Part four

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I just watched Endgame for the second time and I'm emotionally bruised which is why this chapter might be a bit shorter ;) Have you guys seen the movie yet?

Louis' pov:
Ok that was weird. We just met members of the royal family and I couldn't keep my mouth shut... Well done Louis! At least Loki didn't seem to mind too much...he even laughed. But Thor was a whole different story and I have to say that he's quite intimidating with all those muscles and the emotionless facial expression. He didn't even laugh when Rogerina, this deceiver, kicked me.

Even I would have laughed if it hadn't hurt as much but whatever. They might forget us until tomorrow and I should stop thinking about the weird encounter too. I had to concentrate on more important stuff like meeting my roommate for the very first time.

With that thought in mind I knocked on my dorms door. I could've just unlocked it with the key I just got but I really didn't want to interrupt anything. I once walked in on my best friend and his girlfriend, which scarred me for life. I'm not too keen on a replay of that to be honest.

Seconds later the doorknob turned around and a beautiful man opened the door. And believe me when I tell you he really was beautiful. I'm an expert when it comes to things like that because look at me. I clearly have experience.

"Sorry but do you just want to keep staring at me or would you like to come in? You're my roommate i suppose?", the curly haired,dimpled guy started speaking.

At that my face immediately flushed and although I tried to hide it by turning away I guess he still saw it because a little smirk played around his lips. I stepped into our dormroom anyways before introducing myself properly.

I also found out that the guy's name was Harry and after we talked for a little while he told me that he was planning on going out for dinner and asked me if I wanted to tag along.
At that my stomach grumbled a little bit sonce I hadn't really eaten anything since breakfast. That's why I decided to agree to the invitation. Not because I wanted to spend more time with Harry...obviously.

Half an hour later we left the dorm room to meet up with Harry's friends at the restaurant . I also invited my favourite blonde twins to come with us simply because I didn't want to risk being the odd one out. But sadly both of them declined because they were totally knackered from the long flight. Or at least they said so.

When Harry and I finally arrived at the Pizza place I noticed the lack of other people. Harry's friends seemed to have come up with the same excuse as mine. Seems like it's just gonna be the two of us then. Not that I would mind a little one on one time with my curly friend... But I'm getting ahead of time. I don't even know if he's interested in me or guys in general.

But I guess we'll have to find out.

I was planning on studying Spanish tonight since tomorrow is my final exam but instead I wrote this...Priorities right?
Btw...double update jeyyyy:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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