Chapter 73

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Hello readers...

I know I said I would do some grammar correction... But as you can see I can't do that yet or even in the near future here on wattpad... Soo I'll just continue on updating with my unedited draft here...

But if you want to read the semi-edited version there were on my website to be feast.


Li Jun at last got them tickets to enter the zoo, he ushered the to inside. They started to buy some drinking water first before starting their long walking trip. Li Jun got them a map to easily find the places they want to see.

Li Qiang choose their first stop which is feed a big elephant. The zoo allowed the visitors to feed none dangerous animals like the elephant, giraffe, rabbits and other friendly animals.

Li Qiang and Gu Jiao bought some fruits for the animals. At first Li Qiang was scared seeing the gigantic animals he quickly hide behind Li Jun's leg, even his sister run behind Li Jun when the elephant rise his trunk to get the food on her hand.

The two of them then took a peek when Li Jun rise his hand to offer the banana in his hand. Then two hide again when the elephant make a sound.

Li Jun was amaze at the two cowardly ostrich behind him. He was enjoying their antics peeking and hiding every-time the elephant rise his trunk.

The three then went to the next animal which is the giraffe. Li Qiang had gotten some courage when his brother help him feed the giraffe by holding his hands and lifting him up on his shoulders. He enjoyed feeding the giraffe that keeps on bending its neck. Gu Jiao was still hiding on Li Jun's side clutching his arms tightly on her bosom.

Li Jun was enjoying Gu Jiao's scared figure, his sister was really cowardly look even Li Qiang who was a small child beat her on feeding the gentle animals. Tsk tsk tsk... He really can't leave her alone for a minute he would die worrying for her.

They move to the next one which is feeding and hugging small rabbits, Li Qiang was dissatisfied and wants to move to the next stop, after all he was a young man who just found courage to face and touch big gigantic things, thanks to his big brother though.

But Gu Jiao who was scared of big animals have found her heaven with the fluffly things lying and bouncing around in front of her. (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

She blended in perfectly in Li Jun's eyes with the small delicate soft rabbit around her. He look on the side he saw something that caught his interest. While Gu Jiao and the dissatisfied Li Qiang was busy touching and catching rabbits, he went to the direction of interest.

When he got back on their side he was already holding something and he turned his attention on Gu Jiao who was busy petting a rabbit, when suddenly she felt something on her head.

Gu Jiao look up and saw his big brother's satisfied face. He also nods in appreciation of his master piece. Li Qiang who saw the commotion look their way. He was first surprised then after sometime, when the thing on his sister head registered on his brain he began snickering hiding his laughter.

Now he understands why his sister keeps on insisting to stay here. That thing on her head said it all. His brother is amazing able to fully understand his sister's nature. He gave him a thousand likes with it, truly fitting.

Gu Jiao heard Li Qiang snickering laugh and touch her head to see what her big brother put their for Li Qiang to be this happy. When she caught the thing and put it down to take a look. Her face turns black, she narrowed her eyes to them, she look at Li Qiang who was still snickering on the side.

Li Qiang: "Sister why did you put it down it fits you so well... So this is why you insist on staying here cause you are one of them." who was now laughing mischievously at Gu Jiao.

Li Jun got the hairband with rabbit ears on her hands on put it back on her head: "Don't put it down it looks cute on you."

Gu Jiao's mood was sour now. This two are teasing her! Humph let us see who has the last laugh later, she laments in her heart... (=`ェ'=)


Author's Note:

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