Chapter 83

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Gu Jiao took a few more minutes to collect herself before deciding to go out and find them. Her battle armor of as an actress in on, she was ready to go to war, a war of her feelings with her big brother.

Li Jun was quietly sitting on the bench waiting for his younger sister. The air around him was stiffling,

Wang Fang was eaten by guilt seeing the this kind of Li Jun, he was holding his breath the entire time waiting. Praying Gu Jiao was just really needing the bathroom and was not affected by what he said awhile back.

Even though he don't understand the intense reaction of Gu Jiao, he doesn't care about that right now. What he cared right now was that Gu Jiao and Li Jun would become harmonious again...

He can't take this kind of Li Jun, he was like a hunter ready to kill any moment if his prey made a single mistake. His eyes are so deep like an animal that was on brink of losing sanity.

Li Qiang was also sitting quietly beside Li Jun. Even if he was a mischievous child, he has a sensitive feeling about people around him. Right now he knows he can't misbehave with his big brother like this. He wish his sister would come quickly or else he would cry, he was scared of his big brother at the moment.

His brother was a silent man but not this silent, like if he create even a small sound he would be in trouble of punishment. Sister please make it faster! I'm really going to cry... (T_T)

When Li Qiang and Wang Fang saw Gu Jiao coming in their direction. Li Qiang jumped out of the bench and throttled towards his sister. Hugging her waist for comfort he now feel at ease.

Gu Jiao was surprised by Li Qiang action, when did her little brother become so clingy?

When Gu Jiao reach where Li Jun was sitting. She saw an unimaginable sight. Li Jun was like a man who was about to attack a prey with his eyes that so cold staring at her, she felt frozen. She got scared she never saw this kind of Li Jun he looks so deadly...

Gu Jiao who was fighting her feelings awhile ago was now agitated. Was her big brother like this because of the rejection awhile ago... That... Was unintentional, she never meant it to be like this... Gu Jiao was helpless when she saw one of Li Jun's bloody hand that clench tightly on his lap.

She gave a sigh to calm her beating heart, she made a quick decision she can't do what she planned right now her brother would suspect.

And she was not yet ready to separate herself with her brother. She will gave herself one last time to be close to him after this vacation when she got home, she will forget her feelings for him and avoid him at all cost.

Gu Jiao determinedly went beside Li Jun, Li Jun's was watching her intently, her every action were being observe by him as if one mistake would cost her, her little life.

"Brother what happen to your hand? Why is it bloody?" Gu Jiao carefully asked him. But Li Jun remained silent and watching her every move.

Gu Jiao straightened her spine she can't cower right now her brother won't hurt her no matter.

"Big brother don't be like this... I... I just really need to go to the bathroom because my big auntie came."

"Big Aunt?" Wang Fang who was listening intently to Gu Jiao questioned. He don't understand what she was talking about who came? Whose auntie? Ehhh... That woman has a sister? Didn't she only have a brother?

"....." Ok... Gu Jiao don't know how to explain or more like she doesn't want to. Looking around her she realize that she was the only woman in their group. But whose woman is willing to talked about their period with boys. Even though it was not really the reason why she went to the bathroom and the rejection, she really do have her period right now... (つ﹏⊂)


Author's Note:

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