Chapter ➳ One

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Sam wasn't your ordinary high school student. He had lots of moods swings and only ever talked to the people that got in his way. No one really could define his personality. It was a mix through, rude, nice, and quiet. He looked like he didn't give a care in the world, like he had given up already. But all people do at some point, at least that's what he says.

Colby, on the other hand was completely different. Yes, he was a douche here and there, but he was mostly just brutally honest and not afraid to speak his mind. He was kind to everyone as long as they were nice to him, so you wouldn't want to get on his bad side.


"Watch where you're going, you bat"Sam said as someone had, obviously, bumped into him on purpose. He despised a lot of people because the way he treats others and how they treat him. You would think since he doesn't have any friends, or since he's quiet he wouldn't know about any of the gossip that goes around but, he hears and sees all.

He threw his piece of gum in the trash and walked to first period.


Colby rolled his eyes as he bumped into Sam golbach, the school's bore.

"Watch where you're going, you bat" he said bitterly and continued walking without another word.

"Dude, what's his problem?" His friend, jake, asked. Colby shrugged. "Something definitely got shoved up his-"

"Woah, let's keep this kid friendly shall we?" His friend brennen interrupted, hooking his arm around Colbys neck. It was ironic because brennen was one of the most dirty minded, and inappropriate ones in the group.

Colby rolled his eyes at his friend. "I hate you"he mumbled jokingly.

"No, you love me"brennen said, and laughed.

Colby sighed. "Sadly I do"

He walked into first period with jake, since his other friends happened to have a different class at this time. He held back a snarl as he saw, at this point you should know who he isn't very fond of; Sam golbach.

Colby always tried his hardest to ignore the boy and stay away the best and farthest he could, but it was very difficult when someone always had something to say.

It was very weird because the things Sam said had relevance somehow. Always. All the snarky remarks he made always fit the situation, and Colby couldn't help but feel jealous that Sam didn't care at all what people thought of him, while Colby on the other hand was always trying to impress others.

Sam looked like he put little to no effort in his appearance, and he didn't seem to care.

"Finally on time to class, eh?"Sam spoke, as he drew something random on a blank piece of lined paper.

Colby rolled his eyes and decided to take out his phone.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you. You know how miss Johnson is when she sees phones out" Sam warned, as he scribbled on the paper.

"Its not like you care" Colby mumbled bitterly.

"Oh believe me I don't. But don't come crying to me when you serve a week of detention"


"I can't believe I got detention" Colby mumbled to corey, as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Why's that stupid kid gotta be right about everything? It's really pi.sng me off" he said as he shut his locker and walked to second period with his friend.

"There's something odd about that kid" corey spoke, and shrugged.

Colby nodded in agreement. "Its like he knows when things are about to happen. He's either an alien or he's just really snarky"

Corey nodded. "Well, I'll see you next period" he greeted, and waved as he walked away.

Colby sighed and walked to second period. He had now realized that he had been talking with corey for too long so, he was late by 2 minutes. He quickly ran to class and tried to sit down before the teacher could notice he was late.

"Late again, cole?" The teacher spoke, making Colby stop in his tracks.

He sighed "yes sir" he admitted, and walked to his seat. Snickers were heard around the classroom. "Don't let it happen again, got it?" He teacher said, making Colby nod immediately.

Sam gave him that smirk he always gave when he knew he was right, or when he just felt like making someone embarrassed and he Colby couldn't tell which one he was using.


"So, I'm having a party this weekend and I need you to invite Sam golbach" it was now lunch and some random guy named Mike was inviting them.

"Why can't you just invite him?" Colby asked, not in the mood to deal with sams remarks.

"Because every time he either ignores me, or he looks like he wants to rip off my balls, and when you speak to him, at least he listens and processes what you say" he reasoned, making Colby pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, fine" colby agreed and sighed

"Thanks dude" he said, and walked away.

"You didn't have to invite him, yknow?" Brennen pointed out.

"Its whatever" Colby replied, and stood up from where he was sitting to go ask Sam. It's better to just get it over with.

Sam didn't sit with anyone at lunch. He's considered the 'social suicide' of the school.

"Hey uh. Mike is throwing a party this week" I say, trying hard not to be rude.

"And I care because..?" Sam asks as he looked up at me.

"He's inviting you" Colby answered.

"Why couldn't he just invite me himself?" Sam asked with a scoff.

Colby shrugged. "He said you look at him like you want to rip off his balls"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Tell him I'm going."


"I don't know what to wear for tonight" Colby said to his friends as they walked through the mall.

"It doesn't have to be fancy, it's a highschool party. Just buy something casual, but something you like" corey suggested.

Colby nodded and walked into hot topic, along with some other stores, and bought a few things.

"This is going to be a crazy night"


"Hey! Glad you can make it!" Mike said as Colby arrived with his friends.

"Hey" Colby said quite casually.

"So uh, why don't you guys like Sam golbach? Cuz uh, earlier Colby was hesitant on asking him to the party..are you guys jealous of him?" Mike asked, jokingly.

"No, dude. You don't understand. He's a social suicide"

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