Chapter ➳ three

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Colby heard Sam talking to the teacher before class started, and Colby was actually early again. This is probably the first time in a while where he's heard Sam speak, a lot. He usually stays quiet and keeps to himself, unless you're  someone he doesn't like.

Colby oddly found sams voice comforting, and he shook the thought away. He hated this kid, he couldn't find his voice comforting, especially if he was always rude to him.

But there was something about his voice that made Colby calm down. And he didn't know why. It scared him.

Colby tried to think about something else, but it was difficult when he's speaking loudly.


"Okay class, the projects we will be working on, is based on opinion. You and your partner will pick a subject to write about, and you must agree. Project is due in a month. That gives you plenty it time, so don't try to make up excuses when the due date comes" the teacher explained.

Colby groaned at the thought of partnering with Sam. He drove him insane!

The teacher started passing out stacks of paper to each person. Colby glanced at Sam, who sat behind him and saw Sam on his phone, and the teacher didn't even care.

Colby rolled his eyes without realizing and turned back around. He had a bad feeling about this project.


Social Suicide.

That's all Colby thought. Partnering with Sam would kill his social life.

Sam didn't seem like he minded the fact he was known as the social suicide. He knew that the way he acted wasn't pleasant.

He knew that no one wanted to hang out with him, simply because of his horrible attitude and his ego.

Sam didn't think he was better than everyone else. Not Like brennen did.

Sam was just simply....honest, blunt, and more.

He wasn't afraid to speak his mind at all.

So what if he gets in trouble? It didn't bother him. Because whatever he said, was the truth. Well, sometimes he just insulted people for the sake of how they treat others, but...most of the time he spoke honestly; in a bad way.

If he got caught being mean to someone who has never talked or was being mean to him, he'd feel bad.

But,  if he crossed paths with someone who thinks it's okay to bully others for no reason, you bet he's going to say something.

Sam had a soft spot for all people. People who got bullied didn't deserve it.

It sounds crazy, but, he even has a soft spot for Colby. And everyone in his little clique.

Just because he was rude to them, didn't mean he wouldn't care if they died in a car crash, even a zombie apocolypse.

Colby, on the other hand didn't care about Sam...

Or so he thought.


No one would ever understand what went through sams brain. Bad flashbacks always came back, and negative things always flew to his mind. But he's learning to just ignore it.


Colby was happy at home. He loved his family.

His mother asked him every few weeks if he had gotten a girlfriend yet, and Colby just shook his head, because he didn't. And tonight was one of those nights.


"So, Colby, have you gotten a girlfriend yet?" His mother asked, the same way she always did. Always.

Colby shook his head. "Nope"

His mom sighed.

Gage looked at Colby. "'re almost 17"

Colby thought for a second. "I know. But no girls like me"

Gage looked at him confused. "But..they drool all over you."

Colby just ignored his statement and continued to eat his food.


"Oh sh.t!" It was now the next day and Colby woke up late.

He didn't have time to eat breakfast, so after he got dressed and brushed his teeth, he ran out of the house and ran to school.


Sam, on the other hand was always early, or on time. It seemed odd for someone like him,

But you can't judge someone before you know them.


"Hey Sammypoo"

Sam grimaced at the name and turned around to face katrina.

"Sam" he corrected.

She giggled "You're so funny!"

Sam gave her a look and rolled his eyes.

Whenever she saw him, her mood changed faster than you can blink.

She ditched her friends, fixed her hair, and strutted towards him. Every.  Time.

And Sam found it ridiculous. He wasn't an interesting person.

"Soo, like, I was like wondering if you wanted to sit with me at lunch.."

Sam raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't sit with anyone, so I don't know why I would change that for you" he sassed,  shutting his locker, and walked away.

She stood there with anger.


Colby arrived at school right before the bell rang, and once again bumped into Sam.

"Watch where you're going, bud." Sam said and continued walking.

Colby didn't understand why Sam hated him so much.

He never talked to him, he never bothered him, so he was just confused .

He sighed and walked to class.


"Okay class. Partner up with your partner so you guys can exchange ideas. Also, it would be a good idea to exchange numbers, because you are only allowed to work on this, out of school, or during free period." The teacher said, and Colby immediately groaned.

He also felt weird, because he already had sams number, and Sam didn't know. 

You may be wondering, "Colby, if you Sam didn't know you had his number, how'd you get it?"


Let's just say Colby had to ask around. It was difficult since he was the social suicide of the school, but he eventually got it. He did it for katrina.

Sam boredly sat next to Colby.

"Here's my number" Sam said blunt, and pushed a small paper towards me.

"I already have it" I say nervously.

He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You have it? How?" He asked, sitting up.

I gulped. "I-i just as-asked people?" I say, scared of him hitting me or something.

He scoffed and leaned back in his chair.

He's A Social Suicide ❦ Solby Where stories live. Discover now