Chapter ➳ two

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It was now after the party. Well, for Sam. He quickly got bored and left. He suddenly heard a knock on the door, from what he's assuming was the pizza man since he had ordered pizza.

He opened the white door, and the pizza man was standing there. "$10.96 please"he said in the most monotone voice ever. Sam only gave him half of the money because of that.

"Sir, this is only-" before he could finish the sentence, Sam shut the door and placed the pizza box on his coffee table. His mom wasn't home at the moment and his dad was asleep, so he ended up just eating the whole pizza.

He made sure he cleaned up and threw the trash away. He had manners towards his parents surprisingly. He loved them both to death.

Sam yawned and checked the time on his phone. The party had started at 6 and now it was 9.

Usually, at least what Sam is assuming, kids would be up til 3 am texting their friends but Sam couldn't do that because he had no friends, so he just went to bed early.

He once was talking to a friend, and had fallen asleep while texting him, so they automatically assumed Sam was ignoring them and broke off their friendship.

Sam looking back on it, laughed. He couldn't believe he was once friends with a person like that. He rolled his eyes at the thought of his old friend and closed his eyes after plugging in his phone so it was charged the next day.


Sam was currently frustrated, because he could've sworn he plugged in his phone last night, and now his phone was no where to be seen. He eventually just took a break from looking for it and went downstairs. He saw his phone on the counter, and had been plugged into his mother's charger. He had also noticed his charger from his room was gone. He groaned knowing one of his parents or siblings had been using his.

He rolled his eyes and took his phone from the charger, and saw a text on the screen.

[Unknown number]: hey. This is Sam, right?

Sam squinted his eyes at the screen and decided to just leave the person on read. He had a feeling this was someone from his school trying to joke around and he wasn't up for it. He turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket. 


"He's not answering the text" Colby said to a girl named katrina. "Couldn't you have just texted him yourself? " he asked with an eyeroll. She had asked him to text Sam for her, which he found strange and unnecessary.

"Welllllll, he thinks I'm a stalker and um Yeah" she said.

Colby furrowed his  eyebrows at her. "Well, whatever. He isn't responding" he said as nicely as he could before walking away. It really sucked that people used Colby in situations that involved Sam. And no one truly knew how much he despised Sam. It was more because he despised him.

He shrugged off the thought of Sam and headed to class. Sam was running a bit late due to him eating breakfast that his mother insisted he should eat, but he actually got to class on time.

He quickly sat in the back where he usually sat and opened his folder and took out his homework and quickly did it since he had forgotten to do it the night before.

He freaked out when he heard the bell and quickly, finished the last question before shoving it back in his backpack.

Colby watched him the whole time amused, and held in a laugh. Once Sam looked up from closing his backpack, he noticed the brunette staring at him and gave him that 'what?' Look. Colby gave the blond an eyeroll and turned back around.

"Good morning class" the teacher greated as he entered the class.

"Today, I'll be assigning you to a partner you'll be working on a project on"


"I can't believe I got partnered with sam" Colby mumbled to his friends.

"I don't think the social suicide is very happy about that"brennen said.

Brennen was the most honest one, and it sucked because he unintentionally hurt people's feelings sometimes; including Colby, but he just shrugged it off because he knew brennen didn't mean it.

It kind of made Colby upset that brennen wouldn't even say sams name, he said social suicide. Colby agrees that he is, but don't call someone that.

"Whatever" he said, and poked at the disgusting school lunch


It was now after school and Colby realised that Sam still hasn't responded. He maybe thought he didn't see it, but when he saw the 'read' he knew he saw it.

Colby felt offended. He didn't know why. He didn't even like the dude as a friend, let alone a person.


After Colby finished his homework, he went down the stairs to see his mother cooking food, while his brother was actually doing homework. His dad was on his phone.

"Hey" his brother greeted him after he had gone down the stairs. Him and his brother, gage, don't talk alot, but he could tell he was trying to talk to Colby more. "Hey" Colby greeted back, and sat at the table and patiently waited for dinner to be done.


10:30 was the time and Colby still wasn't asleep. Somehow Sam appeared in his mind. "He probably goes to sleep at 3:00 a.m" he mumbled to himself, not knowing Sam actually went to sleep earlier than he did.

Colby had a hard time sleeping so, he usually fell asleep around 12 or 1 in the morning.

Colby couldn't sleep in dead silence. He needed some sort of noise, so he watched YouTube, even though he closed his eyes. It helped him sleep.


[Next morning]

Colbys alarm woke him up brutally and it took a few rings before he actually woke up. He shut it up and got dressed, making sure he actually looked decent. He went downstairs and grabbed an apple before leaving for school.

He groaned knowing today, he was going to find out what project he was going to do with Sam, and he was not happy.

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