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AN: Enjoy this epilogue.

I was sitting alone at the table that my friends and I always ate at and I was currently working on my homework. I've finished some of it the night before, since I had plenty of time. Today was the day that I had to turn in all the homework that I had put off, because of Harry somehow convincing my teachers to give me extra time. I don't know what he did, but I don't really care.

My phone started vibrating and I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, smiling when I saw that it was Luke calling me. Yes, I did mean my phone. I finally got around to putting my battery back into my phone and now I can use it again. When I told Luke about it the first thing he did was steal my phone and put in his number and put his name as 'Ashton's.'

I answered the call and brought the phone up to my ear. "Hey, Luke," I greeted.

"Hey, Ash," Luke responded. "I see you."

I glanced from left to right, not seeing him. "Where?" Suddenly the call ended and I stared at my phone screen confused.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when arms slipped around my waist.

"Here," Luke said. I turned my head the best I could so I could see him and he took the chance to kiss me on the lips. He slid into the seat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and looked at what I was working on. "Spanish homework?"

"Sí," I answered, drinking from my apple juice carton that I had gotten earlier.

"Well, I know a little Spanish. Yo quiero chuparte el pene." I gagged on my drink and slammed the carton down on the table so the apple juice came out, some of it getting dangerously close to my textbook. I started coughing and Luke started patting my back as if it was going to help me. "Are you okay? What did I say?"

"Where in the world did you hear that?!" I asked him, staring at him with wide eyes and my face turning pink from blushing. "Who told you that?!"

"I don't understand. What did I just say?"

"Hey, guys!" I heard Michael say as he approached the table, placing his breakfast pizza down as he took a seat across from me. "What's going on?"

"Michael, you're taking Spanish, right?" Luke asked.

"Uh, yeah? Why?"

"Can you tell me what I just told Ashton? Yo quiero chuparte el pene." Instead of answering Michael bursted out into a loud fit of laughter.

"Oh, my Go- You said that to him?!" He slammed his head against the table and started banging his fist on top of the surface, earning weird looks from other students. Once his laughing died down and he regained his composure he lifted his head, cleared his throat, and began to speak, a smile still on his face. "For the record, Ashton would like that very much."

"Mikey!" I yelled as I picked up my juice carton, prepared to throw it at him. I took in a deep breath, placed the carton backed down, and turned in my seat a little so I was facing Luke more. "Let me ask you again, Luke. Who told you that?"

"Did I say something bad?" Luke questioned, seeming a bit worried and confused.

"More like completely inappropriate."

"Okay, now I really want to know what I said."

"Morning, lads," Harry said as he took the empty spot beside me. "Are you sick, Ashton? Your face is red." He placed a hand on my forehead. "You're heating up, too."

"I told him," Luke suddenly spoke. Harry's eyes went wide while mine narrowed at him.

"You what?" I said, sounding more threatening towards the Brit. Harry started to look a little frightened before he pushed himself away from me.

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