The Catalyst Pt. I

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Judas stared at himself in the mirror, touching the bare jawbone, working his hand up to his eye socket.

When he went to touch his ice blue irised-eye, that too fell into the sink. He tried to blink himself awake, but he could only blink one of his eyes.

This is real, he thought.

"Am I on fucking acid right now?", he muttered to himself. The strangest thing to him about the situation was he wasn't in pain... there was nothing painful about his skin and flesh coming off of his face, or his eye falling out. It felt like he had taken off a mask.

He turned on the sink and started splashing water on his face when he heard a banging on the door, making him visibly flinch.

"Shit...", he cursed quietly to himself as he looked in the mirror to see his face in the same condition.

"Jude? You in there? I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that...", he heard his little sister say.

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it.", he said, trying not to sound as nervous as he really was.

"Okay Jude, if you say—", Frankie replied, interrupted by the sound of a few gunshots going off.

Judas burst out the door, worried his sister might've gotten shot.

"Frankie, are you okay?!", he asked as soon as he saw her on the ground shaking, deciding to put his whole face-falling-off situation on the back burner.

"Yes, I'm fine... Judas, your face...", she whispered, reaching out to touch his half-missing face.

"Don't worry about that, let's get out of here!", he insisted, pulling her up and shielding her as the walked down the hall.

The exit door wouldn't open, so they sneaked their way through the frantic crowd to the bar.

When they both saw Milana and Kurt behind the bar hiding with the landline phone they snuck down with them.

"Are you calling the cops Milana?", Frankie asked, her voice hitching a bit in fear.

"I'm trying, but they're not answering. There's no good signal for some reason.", Milana explained, frustratingly hanging up, tired of waiting for them to answer.

"Well, we have to do something or we're all gonna die! Is there an open exit anywhere here?", Judas interjected.

"Well, did you guys try going out the back of the building?", Kurt suggested.

"Yeah, and the door was jammed, I even threw a chair at it.", Frankie answered, looking off her shoulder a bit to see if anyone was there.

"Fuck man... I don't know what we can do... Dude, what the fuck happened to your face?", Kurt finally asked Judas, looking at his half-skeletal face with a freaked out expression.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask but I didn't wanna be rude... Are you okay?", Milana said, reaching up to touch the bare bone of his face.

He let her, closing his one intact eye.

"I don't know, but I feel like that's the last thing we should be worried about.", Judas explained, removing Milana's hand from his face.

Seemingly out of no where, all of them jolted their heads towards Kurt as he suddenly started groaning, grabbing his head.

"Kurt are you okay?!", Milana quickly asked, thinking that things couldn't possibly get any worse than this...

Not answering, Kurt suddenly rose to his feet, no expression on his face. He opened his eyes, and the whites of his eyes were completely red, and tears of blood started seeping out of his inner eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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