Chapter 1

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Hyunjin's POV

The moment I stepped foot in the house full of drunk teenagers I regretted having agreed to come. Why did I do that again? Ah, yes. The reason was none other than my annoying group of friends. I loved them, really, but sometimes their idea of fun differed greatly from mine.

A girl I recognized vaguely from one of my classes shoved her way past me, making me take a few steps inside the room full of sweaty, dancing bodies. My instinctive reaction was to grimace and roll my eyes as I saw a couple making out in the corner. And speaking of couples... my eyes quickly scanned the room in hope of finding the girl I was looking for, but I was only greeted by Yerim's grinning face right in front of mine.

"Hyunjiiiiiiiiiin!" She squeaked and threw herself onto me. "Thank God you're here! Everyone's gone crazy! Yeojin accidentally spilled cranberry juice onto Hyejoo's favourite shirt and Chaewon is barely stopping her from killing the poor baby, I can't find Haseul and Vivi anywhere, Sooyoung and Jiwoo are outside stargazing and I'm pretty sure Jungeun and Jinsoul went into one of the bedrooms alone."

Pulling away from the purple haired girl, I deadpanned, "And it's good that I'm here, because...?"

"Haseul-unnie is nowhere to be found, you're second in charge." Yerim said that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She sighed and grabbed my hand starting to drag me in an unknown direction, "Come on, hurry up before Hyejoo kills Yeojin!"

I continued scanning the numerous faces looking for a familiar one while being dragged along by the younger girl. She had to be here. Just to make sure I pulled out my phone to check our last messages and the words 'be there in 5' along with a kissy face were staring right back at me.

"Control your girlfriend!"

"Technically she's not my--"

"Chaewon, let go of me or I will hit both of you."

"I said, I was sorry!"

"It's just a stain, babe, it'll come off--"

"Yeojin's head is about to come off, that was my favourite shirt!"

Sometimes I wonder how I am friends with these idiots. Still the situation brought a small smile to my face against my will. I mean, the sight was comical, there was almost visible smoke coming out of Hyejoo's ears and Yeojin was shaking with her back against a corner as Chaewon tried to calm down her not-girlfriend. Yerim just shot me a 'handle it' before heading out of the kitchen to look for Haseul.

"Hyejoo, cut it." I said calmly and watched as she rolled her eyes before pulling herself from Chaewon's iron grip with a huffed 'you're lucky I love you'.

I could practically see Yeojin breath out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, I was starting to fear for my life." She said.

Chaewon sheepishly scratched the back of her neck, "You know how she is."

"Yeah, scary." Yeojin shivered as if to emphasize her fear of the slightly older girl.

"Don't worry, she doesn't hurt her friends." I chimed in. "Other people on the other hand..." I trailed off as I watched Hyejoo yell at a freshman to move away from the door, because she was blocking the way.

"Yeah..." Chaewon flinched, "I should go handle that."

With that she quickly ran after the frustrated girl in hopes of calming her down.

"Thank god you came when you did." Yeojin said and went on to grab a bowl full of snacks and went to exit the kitchen, munching loudly on them.

"Wait, Yeojin, have you seen Heejin anywhere?" I asked curiously.

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