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"Prince Hans has committed a horrible crime." King Arden's words echoed in the hall. "We are here to determine what punishment should be his," Murmuring broke out among the crowd. The King held up his hand, "but before we can properly start, I have one request from the Queen of Arendale. No punishment can include: time spent in prison, confinement, or death."

Hans frowned. He sat on the left of his father, face in his hands, elbows rested on his knees. She wants me not to have even a proper punishment for treason?

"That eliminates all my ideas." Viktor whispered loudly to Claudius.

"Mine too." His twin whispered back.

"Quiet!" Artim snapped, sending a death glare at his younger brothers.

The Duke of Faram was speaking. "I prepose he be banned from all mention of Arendale and it's royals."

"Agreed." Several high nobles seconded the ban.

"All in favor?" The vote was unanimous. "Prince Hans is hereby forbidden from any mention of the kingdom of Arendale."

Hans listened as more punishments were added. Never to talk of Arendale, to go to all balls without being able to dance with any high noblewomen, and to have a companion at all times outside the castle.

"Everything went better than I had expected." Fredrick said in Hans ear as he passed.

Lars sneered his disappointment. "Pampered Han-Ban shouldn't pay for his crimes. Why should he? He's only a little baby-child who tried to kill a queen."

"Well brother," Artim put an arm arround Hans shoulders. "Next time you're in that sort of situation just back down."

"I don't want to do anything like it again." Hans said firmly, shaking the arm, and the joke, off. Retreating to his room for some quiet.

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