Prepared, I Think

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Hans awoke well before dawn and packed. A few extra clothing items, his winter cloak, riding boots, these were only what he thought he would use.

He was taking Sitron back with him as well, the horse was one of his only friends. However Hans thought wryly. Horses don't fit in baggage.

He was nervous, and being hungry didn't help. He supposed that Elsa wanted him to eat on the boat, but nothing except the fact that he was to be at the docks "bright and early" had been explained.

Hans picked up the rather small bag and sling in over his shoulder.

In darkness of the early hour Hans slipped out into the courtyard. He stopped for a moment to take a long, deep, calming breath he hadn't known he needed.

Sitron was awake. He whinnied when he saw Hans in the doorway of the stable.

"Hello buddy." Hans greeted, smiling widely at Sitron's enthusiastic greeting. "We're going to Arendell again, with Elsa of all people! Isn't that strange? She wants me to show her I've changed, I guess." He sighed. "I just wish I was as sure as she seems to be."

Sitron nudged him softly as he moved to open the stall door.

Hans quickly, but gently, got his horse ready for the journey.

The other horses looked on with curious gazes. This hadn't happened for a long time.

Sitron nickered as the two of them left the stable, either a farewell to his friends or as a sign he was ready for their new adventure. Hans laughed.

"You know we could come back with me in chains." He told the strutting horse.

Sitron gave him a look and snorted, loudly.

"Or we could not do that..." Hans tried hard to keep his fear out of his movements and voice. Sitron was strong, but he still was a horse. Hans knew how worried his horse got if he was afraid, how he reacted to others if Hans didn't hide how he felt through his body language.

Sitron kept strutting. Hans had to walk faster to keep up.

It was when the docks came into view that it truly set in. Hans was going to Arendale.

Anna was going to strangle him. He knew it.

Author's Note:
I am so, so sorry for the long wait. This is a tiny chapter too... I'm terribly sorry that this is taking so long. I am working on five fanfictions, an original story, keeping on track with my school work other than writing (reading, math, and book analysis papers), AND I am in a play. So updates will come, but they will be sparse and updated at random times. Again, I am sorry.

Follow me to make sure you don't miss any update I do (and any new fictions I publish... there are some good ones coming up!)

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