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They all looked up and smiled at the newcomer, she smiled back shyly and looked a bit overwhelmed. Benny finished settling himself at the piano and asked ' I thought you said she was an office girl, if she's your secretary what will Gorel be occupying herself with?' ' She will be occupying herself solely with Abba, I have other things that need attention and Gorel just hasn't got the time to deal with anything else' he replied.

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged, nodded at Lena and went back to reading through the plans for the day. Bjorn was tuning his guitar and said 'welcome to the madhouse Lena' He popped his headphones on and that signalled the end of the conversation.

Today they were working on 'Dr Klaus von Hamlet', working on harmonies specifically and trying to lay down the basis for the vocal backing track. This was to be the first track of the new album that they planned to release at Christmas. Much hard work went on and the girls harmonies started to take shape but Benny and Bjorn were not feeling the buzz with it at all. By lunchtime everyone wanted a break, to get some fresh air, some lunch and hopefully some inspiration.

Bjorn sighed as he pulled his headphones off ' this is ridiculous'he said ' this should be flowing and cohesive by now and it just isn't, it sounds lame and boring' The girls both flinched a little bit but tried not to take it too personally. They knew how seriously both Benny and Bjorn took this and what pressure they felt they were under. Agnetha and Frida had recorded long enough with their respective partners that they knew to ride out the storm that they could see was coming.

Agnetha said 'Look why don't we go and get some lunch, lets all get out of the studio for a bit, get some fresh air. A chance of scene for a couple of hours might do us some good' Bjorn smiled and said 'Anna, its March and in case you hadn't noticed it IS snowing quite hard' Benny wandered over and put an arm around Agnetha's shoulders and said ' you know what Bjorn, I think your lovely wife here has a good idea. I could do with a walk. It might clear the cobwebs in my head and when we come back we also need to reschedule the meeting from this morning that really didn't go so well' he winked at Bjorn. Bjorn rolled his eyes and said ' Shut up Benny, we don't have time for lunch, I was just going to get take out' Agnetha sighed and said ' How about I walk and get some take out for everyone? I need some air' Frida said 'sounds good, i'm going to have a sleep on the sofa while you're gone' Benny said' Anna, I'll go with you, sounds like the other two want to stay warm and cosy' he laughed. He went back upstairs to the meeting room to collect his outdoor clothes while Agnetha wrestled with her boots. She finally got them on much to Bjorn's amusement. To make up for laughing at her he held her coat for her to get in it and put her hat on her head, pulling it down so it covered her ears. She kissed him quickly and said ' Right what do you both want? Any ideas?' Benny came back bundled up and heard her question. 'Hey, I'm going out in the snow with you because no-one else can be bothered. We should get first choice. Agnetha laughed and said 'thats true, I don't mind though, what about chinese ?' Everyone hummed and hahhed for a moment and then agreed this sounded good. 'Just get a bit of everything said Bjorn then we can choose when you get back' Benny said I'm not carrying the whole menu back, you'll get what we fancy when we get there' Frida laughed and said ' aww poor Benny, that's the only reason that Anna takes you with her, to carry the bags' Everyone laughed and Agnetha gave Benny a peck on the cheek to show she did not mean it.

They set off , unfortunately the snow and wind was blowing right in their faces and it took their breath away. Agnetha began to giggle as they struggled to walk against the wind. A gust suddenly came that was so hard it nearly blew Agnetha over. Benny took firm hold of her arm and tucked it in his saying Bjorn would never forgive me if you blew away and got hurt. Agnetha looked at him and said " sometimes I wonder Benny, he loves my voice, he loves Abba, me? I really don't know. We fight so much now" she sighed and kicked the snow with her boots as she walked. "I think you will say I'm being silly and I hope I am but you realise that abba is bigger than all of us don't you?"Benny smiled ruefully "yes I know what you mean, the thought has crossed my mind many times but I can assure you, although he has a peculiar way of showing it Bjorn will always adore you even if he loses sight of you sometimes" Agnetha's heart swelled andd she looked up at Benny to thank him and she couldn't help it, she burst out laughing

Benny looked at her quizzically and asked her what was so funny. She had a bit of trouble controlling her laughter and said " you have icicles for a beard already" he laughed and said " come on silly girl before we freeze to death out here"

Back at the studio Bjorn was sat at the mixing desk with his legs crossed at the ankle resting on the top of the desk listening to what they had done today. He couldn't fault the girls, they sounded amazing as usual. The issue was the song, it wasn't much better than mediocre. He was totally dissatisfied and shut his eyes the better to think. He heard the door open and assumed it was Benny and Agnetha and opened his eyes, but it was that office girl..what was her name he wondered ah yes Lena. "Can I help you? " He asked " normally people knock before they come in" he pointed out.
She didn't seem to be at all fazed by his acerbic comment and said " I just came to see if you needed anything at all, coffee? Food?" He nearly said yes to coffee but caught himself just in time and said "no, no thank you" he had assumed she would go away than but she didn't she just stood there staring at him. He took his headphones off totally and hung them round his neck and said " is there something else? " She smiled and said "for now, it is enough" and slowly turned her back and walked away. Bjorn sat there perplexed watching her until she was out of sight, shook his head in confusion and turned to look at Frida who was lying on the sofa. She looked back at him with serious eyes and said "Dangerous waters Bjorn, dangerous waters"
Bjorn snorted and said " I don't know what you're talking about" he turned back to his work but couldn't admit even to himself he was unsettled.
Half an hour of silence passed before the door crashed open and Benny and Agnetha were blown in on a snowstorm. Frida didn't mind admitting she was relieved, the atmosphere was a little tense. She went over to help and laughed at the state of them both. Benny with his beard of ice and his hair completely covered too. Agnetha even had snow on her eyelashes and her hair was damp and in an appalling tangle. "Bjorn" she yelled "Come and help your wife." " Does that mean my wife will come and help me?" asked Benny cheekily. "I'm already here" said Frida. She set about kissing his face to warm it up. "Guys!!" yelled Agnetha laughing. "Once you two start that lunch will be cold!"
Bjorn took his headphones back off and suddenly noticed Benny and Agnetha were back. Hungry and wanting normality he headed out. He smiled at Anna, "hello my little snow person, what's for lunch? " She smiled and said "could you help me with my boots please? We just got everyone's favourites and then we can share them"
Just as he was about to help Agnetha with her boots he became aware they were being watched. He turned to see Lena on the other side of the glass. Staring at him. Agnetha sat on the sofa and rested her foot on Bjorn's leg. "Anna!! You're all wet! My jeans will be soaked" she laughed and said "it doesn't normally bother you" He frowned and pulled her boots off for her "well it does now" he snapped. Agnetha looked a bit shocked. Frida watched Lena through the glass. Lena's eyes never left Bjorn. Frida's sense of foreboding increased.
Lena smiled, a secret smile. She swung her gaze to Frida. She put her finger to her lips and mimed "shush"
Lena turned around and walked away.

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