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This is my second fanfiction after this fanfiction is done I will make a sequel -Author
Percy's POV

I walk over to annabeth and i's spot to see that a blonde girl is kissing what looks like a son of hermes, But I get a little closer of course out of sight. I see that it is annabeth. I walk away to my cabin and cry for hours nobody dared to come near my cabin.

I know what ill do I thought ill go to the gods and ask for death!

I vapor travel to the empire state building and I go to the guardian of Olympus and say "600th floor please"
"There is no 600th floor" he says i put riptide up to his throat and say once again "six hundredth floor please." "Ok ok. Ill let you pass to the 600th floor."

I walk over to the elevator and press number 600 and the elevator goes up to olympus. I walk to the throne room and the gods are in deep discussion and they stop and look at me i shed a couple tears they notice and Zeus asks what brings me here as I stand in the middle of the room.

"I came with a request." I said.

"And that would be." He asks.

"I request that you kill me." I said shedding a tear.

Percy becomes a primordial godWhere stories live. Discover now