Chapter 1

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I left the other chapter on a high note to make it so you would want more chapters so here's chapter two.

Percy's pov

I see Zeus talking to Poseidon. My father. And said "I cannot do that for you nephew but what I can do is grant you godhood, do you accept."

I look at my father and give him a look only he understands. He nods. I said "I accept."

All the Olympians stand up and chant in Greek so fast I cannot translate. Then they stop and a gold sphere appears in front of me and shoot into my body. My skin burns as mortal blood turns into Ichor. I black out.

Three days later!!!

I wake up in apollo's hospital room. I walk back to the throne room and everyone is there the gods. The fates. Hell even lady chaos is here. I walk over to everyone and everyone looks at me and the fates say "we want to give you our blessing."

I only nod. Then a black sphere appears in front of Me and shoots inside me. The light dies down my left eye ends up with a scar on it but only on the skin and eyelid. Then lady chaos says "I also wish to give you my blessing. With this blessing you will get galaxy looking wings and a scar on your left hand so it might be a little bit painful. I am just warning you now."

I nod and the same thing happens but instead of a black sphere a jet black sphere with a tint of red and sea green appears in front of me and it shoots itself inside of me.
The light fades and I see a scar on my right hand. I say thanks to the fates and lady chaos. Then I walk to the middle of the room and then the fates say stunned "all hail Perseus Jackson primordial god of wisdom, battle strategy, guns, war, swordsmanship, time, archery, disasters, heroes, food, fallen heroes, demigods, tides, healing, natural disasters, loyalty, the hunt and betrayal."

All the gods gasp, then Zeus says "a primordial? I say we have to make him a Olympian." (Hades and hestia have thrones and are Olympians.) "brother i agree he is more powerful than any of us gods." Hades and my father says.

"So it is decided he shall be an Olympian." Zeus says.

I stand there stunned by how many domains I have and at how powerful I am. I cant believe im a primordial. I can't believe it I am more powerful than all of the gods.

Zeus asks " Perseus are you listening."

"Yes I am im just standing here stunned on how powerful I am." I say

" We are all stunned." Athena said.

The fates say "we don't usually get stunned but by this we are stunned."

Lady chaos says stunned "Perceus if you need me just say my name and I come to talk with you and I never got stunned by how powerful one being can be but with you I am stunned. Have fun with your duties."

"Welcome to the Olympian council Percy." A throne appears between my dad and hermes. I walk over get to the throne but im still to small to sit down in it.
Zeus says "percy to grow just think what you would look like at 15-20 feet tall."

"Ok uncle." I said. I think and I grow to twenty feet tall and I sit in my throne. I think gaea is put back to sleep for a while and kronos is dead who will be next.

I get snapped out of my thoughts as i listen to the conversation between the gods are being held.
Zeus says " tomorrow we will discuss Perceus's duties as a god. Meeting adjourned." All the gods flash out but athena and dad stays.

I think to myself uncle Zeus is a big drama queen. I walk over to athena and dad and dad gives me a hug. I hug back. I try to avoid conversation but dad and athena asks "why did you want to die Percy."

I told them "first when I got back to camp from having found mom and Paul dead in a pool of their own blood I walk to the beach in camp half blood and I saw... "

"You saw what?" Athena asked.

I tear rolls down my face. I say "I saw annabeth kissing a son of hermes after we dated through the second giant war." After I said that I almost started to cry. Dad comforts me and my broken and destroyed heart as I start to cry into his chest.

He almost cries because he hates seeing me with a broken heart when my mom and Paul died by one of Gaea's goons. I still cry and athena watches with a broken heart to see that her favorite use-to-be-demigod is crying. After so much has happened my cries expressed pain and sadness Zeus comes back and sees this and says to dad "why is he crying I could hear him all the way from the other side of Olympus."

" He got dumped that's why he asked to die." Dad said. I still cry into he chest at the mention of Annabeth that bitch will pay.

I stop crying to hear what they are saying.

"Who would be that mean to my nephew?" Zeus says

"Annabeth Chase" lady Athena said.

"No she didn't" Zeus said with hatred and want for revenge for what she did to me. He could not believe it.

I step away from dad. And teleport to mom and Paul's old house. I start crying again but quietly. Then I hear knock on the door and I look through the door because I have that power and see my dad and athena at the door asking to come in i use my power the teleport to the door and I open the door.

"What are you doing here I left to be left alone and to still mourn mom and Paul's death because im still not over it." I said voice full of sadness.

"You need to come to Olympus because chiron came to Olympus to look for you." Dad said

"Fine but I am telling him I won't go back to camp half blood because of annabeth and not to tell the campers that I am a primordial god now it is the most logical thing to do."

"Worthy of a god of wisdom." Athena says.

We return to Olympus to see chiron in the throne room waiting and we flash in and chiron says "Percy I don't know why you left camp but I know you have your reasons but it would help me to know why."

"Chiron I came to camp after finding my mother and Paul dead in their own blood. Plus I left to die but instead I got godhood as an Olympian which I graciously accepted and my domains are wisdom, war, swordsmanship, time, archery, disasters, heroes, food, fallen heroes, demigods, tides, natural disasters, loyalty and betrayal. I left because annabeth cheated on me. Plus I am a primordial now."

"Percy...Why did she do that." Chiron said.

"I don't know why she did it because I didn't stay long enough." I said. " I left with no intention to return. If you have any other questions might as well as why im here."

" Well first why didn't you come talk to me I could of helped you and lastly I am happy that you chose to be a god." He said.

"I chose not to talk to you at camp because you would of tried to convince me to stay." I said "beside I didn't Want to stay in a world I get cheated on in I would stay happy being with my immortal family."

"You would?" Asked athena.

"Yes I would and I'm just happy to be free from annabeth." I said "besides athena your my favorite goddess."

Athena looks so stunned that I said that. Besides it is true she is my favorite goddess neither though we don't see eye to eye sometimes.

Percy becomes a primordial godWhere stories live. Discover now