Hawaii Five-O Draftee

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Hawaii Five O


Chapter 1

Claira McGarrett was sitting patiently on the many seats that lined the arrivals area of the airport in Honolulu for Steve to finish his meeting with the airport staff one Saturday morning in July. Claira was looking in the direction of where she had last seen her father when she became aware of a young man walking out of the airport and trying to hail a taxi. She moved off her chair, checking that her father was nowhere to be seen and then casually walked outside and approached the young man now trying to pick up his heavy luggage and failing miserably.

"It looks like you could do with an extra pair of hands with that entire luggage you have there." She said moving forward to help him.

"Yeah, err, I guess so, thanks." He said pulling the luggage he had closer to him.

"Not at all, only glad to help out a fellow traveller, like yourself." Claira said putting her hands into her pockets.

"I'm not a traveller." He said looking at her.

"Oh well, okay. You're a tourist right? Going around the world to get away from your parents because their stifling you, yes?"

"No, look who are you?" The young man said watching another taxi sail past him.

"Claira Trenton McGarrett, at your service." Claira said holding out her hand.

The young man looked at the child's small hand and at first looked away but, then put his bag down and shook her hand.

"Michael Mark Piper. How old are you?"


"And you're in a busy airport all alone?"

"No. My dad is here talking to someone about something, I don't know what because it has something to do with his job."

"Well, don't you think that you should go back to your dad before he starts calling the police frantically searching for you?"

"I don't think my dad would call the police over me because my dad is the police. I liked him better when he was an international importer and exporter, now, he's just dad."

"Your dad's the fuzz?" Michael said looking around.

"A-ha. Do you want me to hail you a cab? I can see you're not getting anywhere at the moment."

"I'm fine..." He said starting to collect his luggage again.

"Look, the taxis around here are going to see you carrying the world in those bags and they are going to rob you blind. You go ask my dad, because when we landed here he was checking the meter every five seconds. I still wind him up over it every time we are at the airport for one thing or another."

"Did your dad tell you what you were here for today?"

"No. My dad never tells me anything because he knows that I wish he was still a business man instead of a cop, but that's my hang up, not my dad's."

Michael moved further along the walkway to join a queue for the cabs.

"Are you here on business or pleasure?"

"What? Oh, err a bit of both. I just want to relax for a bit, you know, stay under the radar." He said dropping his bags again.

"Have you got enough money? I mean, after the taxis take you for a ride you may be short of change." Claira said laughing.

"Funny, very funny."

"I'm just saying, my dad, my dad owns a warehouse in a prime location in the docks, Trenton Exports, everyone knows about it, it's massive. If you're interested, I could have a talk with the boss and get you an interview there."

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