Part 2

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Levy's P.O.V.

    //10 Years Later\\

Gajeel and I were on the couch talking about his latest job and how and how it went. For the most part, it went well, if you don't count him leveling a church! I tried to stay calm and be the smart, understanding, level-headed, and most of all loving wife, but I was losing a lot of it.

"Gajeel, sweetie, explain to me this how do you level a whole church! There was nothing left, it looked like an inhabited wasteland! the whole church, not even the door was left! Don't even say it was in the way or it was collateral damage!" I said huffing and puffing after my rant.

"Uh..... I uh love you," Gajeel said.

"Yeah, okay," I said back with a cold glare.

Suddenly, as I am about to speak Emma, Rin, and Lim come running down the stairs. "What's going on you gu-" I said but was cut off by Emma.

"Mom, I was five years old a dotting toddler, I asked you how did you meet Dad, and you said and I quote ' Um, sweetheart, maybe when you're older, okay.' end quote. I am now 16, you will tell me, I deserve to know!"

I looked at my husband across from me, he looked back with a sad, but reassuring look. "Okay, what do you want to know?" I said, sounding pretty defeated.

"Everything," the three of them said together.

"Fine," Gajeel said for me.

"Once upon a time, I was a 17 turning 18, I know a long time ago. Nothing was really going on, nothing really changed," I said sort of reminiscing.

"And in a faraway land, I was 19, your mother and I were not in the same guild. Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, the guild I was in, had a rivalry," Gajeel explained.

"So, this is a Romeo and Juliet thing were star crossed lovers battle against the odds and fight for their love, if so then the story is so sweet," Lim spoke.

Gajeel and I looked at each other and then said together, "Far from it!"

"If not that, then how did you meet?" Lim asked.

"Let us finish and you'll find out," Gajeel huffed.

"Fine," Lim said.

"Phantom Lord was the complete opposite of Fairy Tail. It was cold and heartless, but it was my guild. The only home I had ever known ever since Metalicana," Gajeel said sadly as he lowered his head.

At this point, I was sitting by my husband on one half of the couch while on the other half my kids were facing us( this was possible because our couch is shaped like an 'L'.)

Gajeel continued, "Our guilds had some much rivalry, at the time that, my guild master sent me to rattle up the competition. So, I did that but no one was there soi did the next best thing, I destroyed their guild," I looked at my husband, he looked traumatized., so I took over.

"The guild members were fine, but we had to operate out of the basement. That was a sad day, everyone was on edge. Master Makorav said we should walk home in groups.

I did, with your uncles Jet and Droy. They were scared that we were walking out too late, but I didn't care I was hopeful. So hopeful, I was skipping as we were walking, we were a nice pace from the guild, and were fine. Then your father came out of nowhere and ambushed us. We fought back, but in the end, your father was stronger.

After he'd knock us out he took us to the town's central square and took us to the largest tree in the middle of the square and....." I choked up couldn't. I started to cry a little, and then a lot. I calmed down when a pair of big, strong, warm arms wrapped around me. I regained my composure and said, "And.....and he bolted us to a tree. Since we fought, my clothes were ripped so you could see my stomach. Gajeel wrote Phantom Lord's guild emblem on my stomach." I finished.

"And that concludes our tale of how I met your mother," Gajeel said as a weak attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

"So, basically this proves my theory all along. Mom is super weak," Emma said. I was shocked everyone was. Emma was a true daddy's girl and always will be.

"What? Emma do not disrespect your mother like that!" Gajeel said sternly, standing up along with Emma.

"Disrespecting mom? You're funny. You are the last person to say that after what you did you, hypocrite," Rin spoke as he stood up.

"Rin! Don't say that to your father!" I stood up and yelled at Rin.

"Mom, don't say it's true, please," Lim pleaded.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, but it is," I said slowly walking towards him.

"You should feel sorry for yourself, how could a Fairy Tail member be so weak! Let alone allowed themselves to get attacked in the midst of war. Mom, I knew you weren't a on a God level of power, but at least act like you have some. Mom, you are weak. You're a weak, flat-chested, no-good wizard!" Emma yelled.

"Shut up Emma. How can you stick up for dad like that? He's....he's.....a monster not even me, I mean our father. I have no idea how mom could ever love, let alone marry that monster!" Rin shouted back at Emma.

"Your father is not a monster and never will be! Even if he was, a monster he would still be your father," I said to Rin. Rin looked at me with disgust as I defended their father.

"Don't you dare call dad a monster! He wasn't himself as he said it's not his fault a member of Fairy Tail couldn't protect herself!" Emma said to Rin, giving him a dirty look.

"She was simply to us-" Emma said before she was cut off by Lim's force wave magic. She took a direct hit to her midsection. I ran to her even though Lim wasn't using his full power. She was still hit and was knocked back to the other side of the living room.

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