Sander Sides Fanfic 1 (Pt.1)

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Virgil sat curled up on the cold floor, terrified. He had made his guardian, who he knew only as Deciet, furious.

You see, he had ice magic. He though that it was beautiful, if a bit uncontrollable, but his guardian  thought differently.

The gothic-looking boy had accidentally let out a burst of his magic in front of Deciet. The snake-like man shouted at him, and had sent him into the dark room. Virgil assumed that he would have to just stay in there with no food or water for a few days (he had mentally compared his situation to Harry Potter living with the Dursleys, only his life was far worse), but subconsciously knew that Deciet would probably beat him up. Again.

The snake-faced man stormed into the dark cellar, holding various weapons. Virgil stepped back, but Deciet grabbed him roughly by the wrist, tugging the terrified boy towards him.

After a few agonizing hours, Virgil was thrown to the floor, and was given a final kick to his probably broken ribs by Deciet.

"Make sssssure you remember this lesssssson, you ssssstupid freak." He hissed.

Deciet stomped out of the cellar, slamming the door.

As soon as the gloved man left, Virgil blew a raspberry at him, glaring weakly at the closed door. Gingerly, he lifted himself off the floor, wincing.

He concentrated on a back wall, focusing his magic on blasting out a big enough hole for him to fit through. Width wouldn't be an issue, as he was thin as a stick, but he was quite tall.

Finally, a large enough hole was created, and Virgil slipped out of the cellar, out of his hell, and into his heaven.

The End Of This Part!

The other Sides will be brought in next chapter!


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