Fanfic 2 (Pt.2)

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Virgil woke up in an unfamiliar place. The smell of flowers and rosemary filled the air. Someone was humming distractedly. And he was on a bed? What was going on?

Just then, his body regained full feeling, and a sharp pain made itself present in his entire body. He groaned.

A practical looking young man walked over to him, holding a cup.

Virgil looked at him, wondering what he was about to say.

"You drool when you sleep." He remarked with a small smirk.

Virgil laughed.

"Salutations. My name is Logan." The taller young man said. "What is yours?"

"My name is Virgil."

"That's a very nice name."

Logan called out to somebody else in the room, "Hey Patt, the boy that you found is awake. He most likely needs medical attention."

"Thanks Lo!" The person from before Virgil passed out responded, before walking over.

'Patton...' Virgil recalled.

"Hey! You're up! That's great! How do you feel?" Patton seemed to talk at a million miles per hour.

"I feel like a raging dumpster fire." Virgil said.

"Understandable." Logan remarked.

"Anyways, I need to take care of your injuries. " Patton changed the subject.

"W-wait a second." Virgil interrupted. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Only a few hours!" The parent-like young man chirped.

"Oh. Okay then..."

After a little while, the young thief's many wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. Virgil sat up in the cot, trying to become somewhat comfortable.

Just then, another young man ran in. He was handsome and regal looking, and had a big smile.

"Hello!" He greeted dramatically. "My name is Roman!"

"That's nice." Virgil said, getting a bit overwhelmed by all the people. "Where the hell am I, by the way?"

"You're in the infirmary, of course!" Roman said.

"I mean, like, where is this place located?" Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Oh, it's in Sanders Woods."

Virgil hummed in reply.

"Perhaps we should introduce you to everyone?"

"Maybe later would be more adequate?" Logan inputted. "He seems exhausted. "

"I'm sorry, I-I need a second. " Virgil said.

He screamed into the pillow.

"Okay, that's better."

"Anyways, welcome to the family!" Patton said cheerfully.

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