Fanfic 2 (Pt.1)

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Virgil was used to running. He had ran from many things. Angry shop keepers, guards, social interactions...

But now, he was running away from the only place he had ever known.

And it was really fricking difficult. His left arm was broken, and would remind him of the fact constantly. The many cuts on his back, face, and chest stung mercilessly. And to top off the awfulness sundae, he barely had enough strength to keep himself going. He hadn't even thought to steal some bread.

You see, Virgil was a thief. He was sort of a Robin Hood, stealing from the rich, and giving to the poor and the orphans. He was fairly good, but would still get caught occasionally. This time, he had been caught, and had been brutally punished.

He was fed up, and he left.

Now, he was lost in the woods (SOMEWHERE IN NEW JERSEY), starving and injured, with nowhere to go.

He heard footsteps, and ran.

Virgil made it to a tree, when agony overcame him, and he sunk to the ground with a muffled whimper.

Another young man stepped forwards. He looked about Virgil's age, but had a sort of parent-like look in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" The man asked.

Virgil curled in on himself.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. My name's Patton! What's your name?"

The small thief sighed, then said, "My name is Virgil."

And with that, unconsciousness overtook him, and wrapped him in it's dark embrace.

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