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Hi guys, thanks so much for entering! While all of you got the answers correctly, there can unfortunately only be two winners.

Firstly, let me tell you how the winners were chosen. I know that in the past, I chose winners based on the first people to answer the questions, but after much deliberation, I really couldn't see the wisdom or fairness in any of that because not only do people operate in various timezones (it might be broad day light where you're at, but for some, it's midnight, and nobody's gonna be on wattpad at that time trying to win an e-book) but people also operate on different schedules and so while you're online to see the giveaway prompt, some aren't. So, this time, I used a random wheel to pick the winners (I'm 100% satisfied with this method because fate got to decide.)

Also, next time, I'll have you guys inbox me the answers to the questions rather than feed the answers into the comment section because I have an odd feeling people might be checking to see other people's answers.

Anyho, congratulations to JudyAgbo and crzy_rAb for winning! Please send me a private message.

See you guys at the next giveaway, and have a lovely evening!

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