ocean eyes

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your eyes
they have this
unlike any other

when i look in them
i see you
i see all this beautful pain
and emotion

i see this ocean of
beautiful brokenness
but when i see the peices
i see more than just color

i get lost in your beatiful oceans
they arent just blue like you think
they have a grey color some days
like clouds came to stay

somedays they are so blue
more blue than any pigmentation
more blue than the sky
so blue its endless

one day they were so blue that
i didnt even see
anything else
just your eyes

you think its funny when i get lost
in your ocean eyes
but you dont understand
its impossible not too

that emotion and pain and feeling
all together in this blue
the blue that looks different every day
its captivating

but i didnt just fall in love with your eyes
i fell in love with everything
that those eyes
tell me

and show me
its all you
i love your eyes
because they give me everything

they tell me everything about me
all the pain you wouldnt tell me
because you thought i would leave
i still see

in those ocean eyes of yours

i see everything about you love
when i look into your
beatifuuly broken
ocean eyes

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