BEN drowned

111 2 4

-Is a living Vine


-BEN naturally has a glitchy voice, it's even worse he becomes angry with others. He can even make other physically glitch (stutter and twitch, jump from place to place like the matrix, spew out random codes.) this causes extreme pain for the others on the receiving it. The only one immune to it is Toby. This pisses BEN off.

-When he was human he had brown hair and the brightest green eyes you ever saw. Sometimes he sees that in the mirror when he looks and it scares the crap outta him.

-BEN is a super genius... He has all the worlds knowledge at his finger tips.

-Inside BEN'S head is like a computer... He literally types in keyword and different things pop up.

-He has the Hentai outfit... He even has named all the girls.

-He helps Ej with his spy missions. He hacks on to people's phone, ect. That has also lead him to finding privet photos... Lets just say he seen more of Hoodie then he ever wanted to see and how he can't unsee it

-He WILL go swimming if it is a pool and he can see the bottom. Be refuses to let his face get wet.

-The first time Jeff met him he asked "Why is Zelda here".... Jeff now knows the difference between Zelda and Link..

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