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[Your P/V]


Ah~" i said while dropping my body on the bed. "Its pretty nice in here" I said to myself while looking around in the hotelroom.

I will be staying here for a few days and then I'll move into my appartment. I am glad I started working at a young age, so I could save more money (and also gain experience :p). I didnt really feel like unpacking my stuff, I was curious, I wanted to see Seoul.

I washed my face and went outside. I enjoyed my first day, but I really had to go search for a job, since I dont have any income.

I wanted to apply for a job that involves talking to customers, since I haven't really talked to korean people yet.

I saw a lot of malls, but they didn't really need new (personeel?). Agh.. I also spent my second day walking through the streets and shopping.. It was evening and I decided to go back to the hotel.

I will be moving soon and I still dont have a job >.< I guess I have no luck at all.

~ few days later ~

"Thank you" I said and paid the taxi driver. All nervous, I walked into the appartment. It actually isnt that bad. Unpacking my stuff made me hungry, but there's no food.. So that means grocery shopping~

"'Mmm... What else" i ask myself while looking at the stuff I picked. "Ah~ let's buy some ice cream!" *beep* *beep* "That will be 16000 won please.Thank you, enioy your evening." I was happy because I bought delicious stuff and Seoul is nice so far. "Ah~ the air feels so fresh."

Suddenly, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a Starbucks (I used to go there a lot with my friends when I was in Amsterdam). "Mmm... It would be nice if I could work at a place like that.." The second after I said it, a thought popped up in my mind "Woah.. I should apply tomorrow."

I almost reached my apparment when I saw one person all in black. I felt uneasy, but I kept walking.

The person coughed and it was a low manly sound. I guess it's a man.. A rapist? Thief? ..I felt scared now. In order to go to my appartment, I had to pass him, but I didnt really have the courage.

The man approached me slowly.. Mmm, what if I screamed? Would anyone hear me? I didnt walk anymore, I felt stiff. I just wished everything will be over soon and that I'll be safe at home.

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