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  • Dedicated to To Mum and Dad because I know they're nothing like the parents in the book!

I sigh as I look around, feeling sorry for myself. Where was he? he's taking way too long. My Brother, Ben, went in to the mall leaving me in the car. I love him, but seriously? what's taking so long??

"Urrgghh" I moan, bored. I finally saw him coming out of the doors. He smiles at me then waves. I give him my deadliest death stare. Which isn't very good, as I have a very 'cute' face. Or so Ben says.

"What," I say, "took so flipping long?"

He laughed, "Lill, I was gone five minutes!"

"Yeah, but usually you only take two! and I forgot to grab my phone off the bench, so I couldn't play Flappy Bird!" I whined.

He laughed again obviously amused. "There was this old woman who had no idea what she was doing. She kept going on about this 'muffin machine' thing. Weird" he starts the car and we drive off.

I dreaded having to go back home. Like I do every single afternoon. And every single morning. I hated. I was sick of it. If I had to be honest I would say that my big brother is my real parent 'cause the other ones don't seem to be doing a great job; being open and saying that their biggest mistake in life was me, constantly abusing me, usually coming home late and drunk. Catch my gist? yeah we'll you better because my life is living Hell.

As we pull into our driveway I take deep breaths. Preparing myself, like every other day in my life.

Ben and I are silent as we slowly get out and climb the steps to our front door. I'm not surprised to see it unlocked. Well, you know what that means? they're drunk. In a way I relax when they are drunk because they don't remember anything, so I can say and do as I please. Although the one bad thing is that they'll wake up tomorrow with a hell of a headache, meaning they will be twice as grumpy, twice as mean and twice as abusive. When that happens I catch a ride with my best friends Lydia and Hadley.

Us three, we are inseparable. No one can get us into a fight. Never. I would mention that we were like some famous group, but I don't know any even remotely like us. Lydia has parent problems too, that's how we met, through a support group. Hadley has perfect parents and a perfect family, he just chooses to hang out with us. We've been friends since middle school.

As soon as I walk in the door Mum is rushing past me, screaming Bens name. Completely ignoring me, as per usual. I stand here wondering when Dad will pop out from one of his hiding places, laughing like a maniac. Once, when Dad was really drunk he, picked me up, carried me upside down to the kitchen table, got some rope and tied me down. It took Ben an hour to get me out.

Suddenly, Dad jumps out of the cupboard under the stairs, almost giving me heart failure. Say hi to Harry for me. I thought grumpily. Giving me heart failure is probably what he wants anyway; kill me when no ones looking, then dump me in a trash can. No one will really miss me. Only Hadley, Lydia, Ben and maybe a few other people from school.

I mean I'm not a complete loner. I do have friends at school other then Lydia and Hadley. I'm nice to them they're nice to me. Fair deal really. There's only one person that I know who despises me and that's Shelbe Maguin. She's the schools "little miss popular". She's horrid.

But there is this one guy at school. His name is Riley and he's amazingly hot. Even though he's the schools "bad boy". It's so cliché, the good girl falls in love with the bad boy. Although he's not so bad as he gets good grades and tries in school. Once his best friend, Matt, tripped me over because I called him and Riley weirdos. Every one laughed except Riley. I hated Matt with a passion from that day forward. All my friends wonder why I hate him so much and it annoys the hell out of me. I just wish he would notice me. 

Ben and I go through our usual "Mum and Dad are drunk" rutine which usually invoves a bucket of water and lots of screaming. I feel sorry for the nieghbours. Im doing the cleaning up at the moment, looking at myself in the window. I've got long light brown hair, light brown eyes and Im around 5 ft 5". After Im finished I go upstairs to bed. As soon as my head touches the pillow Im deep asleep in my escape land. 

In my dream Im in a beautiful black dress. My hair is in a fishtail sitting on my shoulder. And in front of me is Riley. He's drop dead gorgeous, in a black suit and tie, his hair stiled to the side. He's smileing at me. I smile back and give a little wave. Suddenly I feel something brush past me. I look up to see its Angelina. Rileys girlfriend. Of course! He wasnt smilling at me! He was smilling at her. She was beautiful, wearing a stunning red dress and her blonde hair was down, swinging around her shoulders. He must really like her because he planted a firm kiss on her lips. It was like they did'nt even notice me. like I was just some passerby. Nothing to care about. It was only them. I felt tears in my eyes and I felt my throat stiffen. I couldn't take it any more. 

I feel myself jolt and wake up. What was that? I reached up to rubb my eyes and felt they were wet. I must have had another bad dream, I thought silently to myself, probably about Riley again. I sigh and get up to open the curtains, letting the early morning sunshine in. School today. Monday. I hate Mondays. I dont think I know a single person who likes them. 

"Lillian!" I heard in a singsong voice, Ben's, "time to get up its Monday!" It sung happily. Yup anyone who likes Mondays is now an It.

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