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I watch as Riley shows me arond his house. Still quietly arguing with Madelyn. I smile to myself of how much that reminds me of me and Ben. But not anymore, we've had to work together to make sure I stay unseen in the mornings. Usually it means I have to jump out of my second story window. I giggle at the thought of Riley having to do that every morning.

"okay, did you get all that?"

My head snaps up to Riley. He sees the smirk on my face, and I hurry to take it off.

"uh... yes?" I said.

"no you didnt you weren't paying attention" he says obviously not believing me.

I sigh "sorry"

He nods in return as we go into his room. Madelyn has agreed to keep us company. Mainly from my request. Riley looked baffled when I asked, but he accepted. I look around the room. It is plane like mine except he has got posters hanging on the wall. We walk over to the desk in the far corner of the room. Everything in here is neat and white, except for the posters of course.

"okay so we did agree it would be a fantacy novel"

We worked like that untill it was five 'o clock. When my brother still hadnt arrived at five thirty, I decided to call him.

I wait for the dial tone to end and Ben pick up the phone. Instead I am surprised to find Dad on the other end.

"helloooo" He slurrs definately drunk. I dicide to fake someone else looking for Ben.

"hello" I say in a low gruff voice, "Im looking for Ben Reme. Have you seen him?" I ask in the same voice.

"yesss, II have uh seeen himm, Hee wentt tooo pick upp myy delightfulll daughter"

I jump surprised he would say something like that about his mistake of a daughter.

"okay thank you very much" I say in a monotone and hang up.

When I look over at Riley he's staring at me like I just escaped a mental asylum or something.

I just giggle and tell him it's complicated. Although my mind was yelling out to tell him how I feel. But that would suck, so I decided not to.

After a few minutes Ben arrived to pick me up. The drive home in the car was silent, so I decided to break it;

"so Mum and Dad are home again?" I asked nonchalantly, though again my mind was screaming at me to leave, just leave.

"Yeah," he said, disappointed, "I was kinda hoping they'd stay away for at least a while, but such is life, I guess."

"Oh my gosh, Ben? did you just use a quote you learned from English five years ago? good boy!" I said in a tone you would speak to a baby in.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very funny," Ben retorted, embarrassed, "you're just jealous I actually manage to keep stuff in my brain!"

I smirked, we both knew that was false, as I was second to Riley on the top of the class. Ben never was top of the class. I mean he wasn't dumb. Just average.

We arrived home in comfortable silence, only tensing up when I remembered I would have to go sound the back to the ladder that's leant against my bedroom window.

I went around the side of the house and climbed up the ladder, into my room.

I slowly crept into the bathroom brushed my teeth and changed into my PJ's. It was a white dress that kinda looked like the nighties that women wore in the 1800.

I giggled as I imagined my long hair up in those odd styles they used to have. I slowly walked over to my bed and flopped on top of it with a little squeal.

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