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Sunday. A 'date' with Riley. My parents out working. Ben being a bogan and sleeping in. Most of my clothes in the wash.

What could possibly go wrong?

It was about eleven o'clock and I was getting ready for my 'date' with Riley. All of my clothes that looked good were either in the washing machine or on the line to dry. I walked around in hope of finding something to wear when it hit me; we have a dryer.

I grabbed a pink dress of the line and stuck it in the dryer for five minutes. I slipped it on and put on some pink converse that go with it. I, unfortunately, have to buy all of my own clothes, with my own money of course. Ben used to, but he doesn't anymore, so I just go on massive shopping sprees with Lydia once in a while.

I sigh as I go downstairs. Ben still isn't up so I ran back up to go and jump on him. I ran into him room and onto his bed and started bouncing on him.

"Ahhhhrrr" he moaned from under the blankets, "Lilly stop right now or I won't take you to your stupid date"

"you're not taking me anyway, they're coming and picking me up"

"then why the hell did you wake me up?"

"I felt like it" I said, and shrugged. He groaned again.

All of a sudden I felt myself being flipped over. Ben was now on top of me.

"tell me you are sorry and Il'l let you go" he said menacingly.

I only smiled. I knew what he was going to do. He leaned down close to my face, maybe two centimetres away, and started tickling me. I laughed and laughed, not holding back until I had tears in my eyes. But I didn't give in. Finally Ben stopped.

"geeze your screams are loud!" he exclaimed. I laughed and got up to do my make up and hair.


At twelve exactly, Riley pulled into our driveway. I got up and opened the door for Made, who smiled at me.

"hey" she greeted.

"sup?" I said back.

"nothing much"

"what movie are we watching?" I asked as we moved to the car, where Riley was waiting.

"Interstellar" she replied, "don't you just love Anne Hathaway? She is my Idol"

I laughed and nodded as we both climbed into the back seat.

"who is yours?" she asked politely

I shrugged.

I did know, but I wasn't going to go around saying it willy-nilly. It was a famous dancer, Chloe Lukasiac. I loved dancing. but no one knows that except Ben, Lydia and Hadley. And it's not like I dance very well...

We pulled up at the cinema and got out of the car. We went inside, paid for tickets, bought some popcorn, and found our seats.

I made sure Made was sitting in the middle. There was no way I was going to sit next to him. Just no.

There was a few awkward times in the movie where both Riley and I went to grab some popcorn at the same time, and I pulled away immediately but Riley didn't. Just little things. I kept feeling like someone was staring at me but when I looked up no one was. It was weird.



I couldn't stop staring at her. I didn't get a single word of the movie. All I could think about has Lilly, Lilly, Lilly.

When she smiled, I smiled. When she frowned, I frowned. Call me creepy, I don't care. I just could not get her out of my system.

When the movie was over we went to a park. There was a bakery just opposite so we bought croissants. We were sitting on the swings when Lillian said something that surprised me.

"Thanks, you guys, for being such great friends"

Friends? I thought we were more than that, that lousy, no good, rotten word!

"Look I really must get going, I have to study for that exam next week. Oh and Riley?"

"Yes?" I looked up hopefully'

"Try and finish editing that story? It's due in three weeks"

"oh... yeah sure" I said, looking down at the grass.

She said thanks one more time before she left.

"whats up Brother?" asked Made, slightly confused

"nothing" I said, trying to hide all emotion in my voice.

"OOOhhhhhhhh" she said, "you like her! Well, to be honest I don't blame you. She is very pretty"

"oh shut up" I said agitated.

She didn't.

This was going to be a long trip home...



I felt bad. I saw the look of sadness in his eyes. Then I saw the look of hope. But he really needed to hurry up with the editing and I really did need to study...

I walked home seines as Ben didn't pick up his phone. It was a long walk but I didn't die, like I almost did letting Riley down. But I couldn't take it anymore! I knew he was the one staring at me in the cinema, and the way he kept insisting on buying me food, I had just had enough. I hate feeling weak.

when I arrived home Ben was waiting for me with a big cake. Yes I know what you are thinking; Ben cooks? The answer is yes. Because Mum and Dad are too lazy to do it themselves, they make Ben and I do all the chores, so we each chose four chores to do each day, for example; mine are wash the bathroom, do the laundry, do the ironing and mop. It's not too bad once you get used to it.

After having a slice of cake I went upstairs to study. I did for a good two hours untill I had, had enough. I went downstairs to grab an apple. I looked at the clock, it read; 4:56.

Almost dinner.

The doorbell rang so I tan to get it.

Awaiting for me on the doorstep were two very drunk, very unhappy parents.



How is everybubble???? I just made that up, aren't I amazing? I know, I know.

so... I just updated!!! yayah! aren't you all so proud of me? I know I am.

QUESTION: what is your favourite TV show??

Mine is either; Once Upon a Time, The Flash, Merlin or Wolfblood!


To the side is the dress Lillian or Lilly wears.

Did you guys like their firs date???

hugs and kisses



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