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I woke up the next morning to buzzing.

I slowly lifted my head and looked at my phone.

It was Riley.

Suddenly my heart beat a million times faster. I raced to see what it said.

Riley: Good morning sunshine ;)

I giggled. He actually called me sunshine!! eeeeeeeeck!!!!!!

I couldn't help my face heating up, too excited about what he said. I decided to reply, but make sure I didn't seem too happy about home waking me up.

Lillian: Hello handsome. You woke me up :(

Riley: I'm handsome now? excellent.

Lillian: Hmmph. No you're not. I was just saying that. Ur ugly.

Riley: ohhhhh. Of course, sweet cheeks. Of course.

Lillian: What ever makes you sleep at night. :./

As you can see, Riley is an egotistical jerk. And a player. And he teases me.

I thought back to the tole when he was fighting with his sister, Madelyn. I smiled slightly. Ever so slightly. Maybe Riley does have another side to him.

The side that I fell for.





I smiled at her reply. Handsome huh? interesting.

'Bing' I looked at her reply again, and smiled again.

Lillian was one of those girls who had no idea they were beautiful, which made her even more beautiful. I'd really like to know her more.

And teach her some better comebacks.
'Whatever makes you sleep at night'? really? eesh. But funny when she says it.





The day passed without anything out of the ordinary happening.

Until lunch.

It was about 12 o'clock and Lydia, me and Hadley were going to the cafeteria. There was no trouble until I grabbed my lunch-spaghetti yum!- and was walking over to our table. Someone stuck their foot out, sending me sprawling to the ground, and sending my spaghetti flying. Until it hit the person standing in front of me.

If you have not already noticed, I am a klutz. Everything that is breakable, I break. So if the othe one of my arch enemies is standing on front of me what do you think would happen?

Shelbe Maguin stood in front of me, Angelina beside her (those girls were best friends. Shelbe is also going out with Matt. The horrible boy I told you about.)

They slowly turned around, each one as red as a ripe tomato. I cringed, wasn't this only supposed to happen in cliché movies like High School Musical????

I tried to sit up but Angelina slapped me. Again I tried but Shelbe slapped me. I felt hot tears prickle down my face, not just because they slapped me, but also because everyone was watching. I could see pity in their eyes, and I hated pity.

I looked over to find Hadley and Lydia. They were struggling out of the grips of two of the most vicious and strongest and biggest boys of the school, screaming at them to let go.

The room was full of loud chatter and whispers. And silent looks. But around me was only Angelina and Shelbe.

They stared at me with a mix of mock, hatred and fury. I winced, the pain of their slaps starting to sting.

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