Our Beginning

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Hello, my beautiful baby! This is your mama, me and your daddy are so glad to be the ones to welcome you into this world! Except, he doesn't know it yet. I don't know if you are going to be a beautiful baby boy, or a gorgeous girl, but we'll settle on beautiful, baby. 

I'm writing this diary for you throughout our journey so when you get older and read this, you will know how happy I was, and how much pain I went through, to bring you into this world. You may notice I'm saying I, and not we as in me and your daddy, but we will look into that later. 

WE, love you so much and we only know that your coming into this world as a member as the Wood-Morales family! I'll keep writing later, my little belle fille. (Beautiful babe, in French) Mommy has to go with daddy to his work. I love you so much bebe!

I love you so much bebe,


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