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Sorry there are no pictures, Wattpad was acting up when I tried adding them


High school student, best friend is Yoongi, outgoing, loud, has a close group of friends, very curious


High school student, has a mental disorder, DID (also known as MPD, Multi Personality disorder) due to past trauma, his best friend is Hoseok and his brother is Jimin, doesn't like interacting with other people that much


High school student, loves his brother Jungkook, will beat the shit out of you if you talk about Jungkook in a bad way, caring to those he loves, makes sure Jungkook's other personalities don't cause problems, has met all of Jungkook's personalities


High school student, Jungkook's childhood friend, cares about Jungkook so much, would do anything to protect him, also friends with Jimin, fun and loveable, takes care of Jungkook when certain personalities take over, only other person to have seen all of Jungkook's personalities


High school student, Taehyung's best friend, doesn't care what you think about him, he is kind to people close to him but will beat you senseless if you talk shit about his friends, often described as a badass but really this boy is such a softie


High school student, part of Taehyung's friend group, his boyfriend is Namjoon and he loves his friends, funny one in the group


High school student, part of Taehyung's friend group, Jin's boyfriend, don't mess with him he knows how to fight if you talk shit about his friends and boyfriend so watch out, is caring to his friends, very smart, tutors his friends because he's smart, likes helping others



One half of Changlix, funny and a bit crazy, don't call him short or he will fite you, loves his friends, teases Minho a lot


Other half of Changlix, you thought Changbin was crazy? wait till you meet this boy, loves his friends, closest to his friend Bang Chan because they are both from Australia

Minho / Lee Know

He's the dance king of his friends, if you need him he'll be in the dance studio, is dating Chan, Changbin leave him alone

Bang Chan

Aussie, the one that looks after all his friends, funny but serious when he needs to be, wants Changbin to leave his bf alone


Seungmin, Jeongin, Jisung (Han) , Woojin, Hyunjin - they won't be as important yet, they may become more important later, but they are still here

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