2-Jeon Jeongguk

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Taehyung's p.o.v

"Hello my name is Jeon Jeongguk, but you can call me Jungkook"
Wow, he's pretty cute. The boy, Jungkook, was beautiful. He had raven black hair that was parted slightly to the side, his brown doe eyes were behind a pair of round glasses that make him look cuter. His ears were pierced, which I liked as not many of the other boys in this school have their ears pierced like me, Namjoon and Jin do. He smiled and omg he looks like a bunny.
"Please take care of me" he bowed and then looked to the teacher. "Sir where will I be sitting?" He's really polite as well.

"Ah yes, uhm go sit next to Kim Taehyung. Mr Kim please raise your hand." Me and at least half the other boys in the class raised our hand. "Ah yes sorry, I forgot there were so many of you, Mr Taehyung please raise your hand." At that everyone else but me lowered their hands. Jungkook smiled before walking towards me and sitting down on the desk beside mine.

"Hello Taehyung it's nice to meet you." He held his hand out and I shook it. He once again smiled  (he really likes smiling apparently) and then turned to look at the board at the front of the class as the teacher had began the lesson. He was concentrating on what the teacher was saying and copying down all the notes he needed to. Meanwhile I spent the rest of the lesson doodling. I don't find science interesting. The only lessons I really like are music and drama.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang. I had a free period next so I went to my usual spot to spend it, the garden near school. I lived it there. The trees, flowers and near by lake make me feel at peace when I go there. I love it. It also gives mw the inspiration I need to draw. Sometimes,  I'll see little white bunnies hopping around in the garden. They were so cute.

Once I reached the garden I was disappointed to see that someone else was there. I wanted to be alone. As I was about to turn around and leave I heard the person giggle. It sounded like a child. I turned back around and walked a bit closer. Now I could see the person clearly. It was the new boy,   Jungkook. He was playing with a small white bunny. And next to him was a teddy bear, white with a heart in its arms that, from waht I could see, said 'love you lots'.


I walked closer to him and could hear that he was talking to the bunny. Call me nosy, but I wanted to know what he was saying. So I got closer, making sure not to draw attention to myself. Once I got close enough, I could hear him.

"Jungkook is gonna be mad, Kookie not supposed to be out at school time, Kookie supposed to be out at home only, but it's not Kookie fault, Kookie saw teddy and bunny. And and and Ggukie said Kookie cans come out when Kookie asked him!!! So so I'm allowed to be out, right bunny????"


Kookie? Ggukie?? Why was Jungkook saying he was going to be mad at himself?? Why was he calling himself Kookie? Who is Ggukie?? Why is he  speaking like a baby?? Why was he saying he 'wasn't allowed to come out at school'??
I had so many questions.

I walked closer to him,curious. I wanted to know more. More importantly, my questions needed to be answered. When I got close enough he looked up at me and gasped, his doe eyes growing bigger (if that's even possible). I heard him whisper a faint "Oh no" before looking down at the ground. I heard him muttering something to himself, but it was too quiet for me to make out. I was about to ask him what was going on before he stood up and looked me in the eyes. I was shocked. His eyes no longer held the innocence they held seconds ago, they were now hard and fierce, scaring me as he glared at me.

"Listen kid," he growled, "whatever you saw, whatever you heard, you tell no one, okay?? And don't you dare try to talk to me, trust me you don't wanna mess with me." He then picked up the teddy and his bag before walking off. I stood rooted to the ground, shocked.

What the hell just happened?

Whoop finally!!! Now imma go sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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