soulmates xx

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Every day of your life was filled with singing, hopeful singing, saddening singing. Singing that begged you for a response. But never in your life did you believe you could respond to the angelic singing of your soulmate.
Until one day.
Sitting within a coffee shop, the soft singing of your soulmate ringing through your ears. The lyrics of the song escapes you, until the soft and stable voice of your soulmate shakes, and it sounds as if they're crying.

"Oh please my love, please sing back to me.."


Writing on your skin, something you do often, whether it be a best friend's number you want to put into your phone, or just a handful of doodles.
Maybe even full paintings.
You always wrote little notes and poems to your soulmate.
Yet nothing.
You got nothing in response. You begged on somedays, writing in shaky letters that you needed them.
"Please... I'm so alone."

Any other soulmate AU you can think of.

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