{Wherever you go, I follow} [Sabo x Reader] (Soulmate Au)

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Right, I can't even remember the last time I've written a story. All honesty, I'm really nervous, silly, I know. So to ease myself back into this, I'm going to start out small. A simple soulmate AU, nothing too fancy. No one requested this, it's just to start me off before digging into those requests. But, I'm back!




An elegant smile filled her face as she picked up her silver phone, the cool feeling running through her hands as her phone connected with her fingers. Watching as the red string gracefully danced, swaying back and forth, connecting to her and her phone.

As her phone lit up, filling her dark room with a dim light. Her cheeks became a dusty red as she read the bold letters across her phone. "Message from Sabo." Her soulmate, one who lives only across the country. Sliding her thumb across the cool screen, her sunrise background beamed. It was a photo that always made her smile. That morning was the first time she had heard Sabo's voice, the first time they had called. While living across the ocean had its limits, it didn't take away any of the "firsts" feelings.

She always remembers the giggly feeling she had, the butterflies in her stomach as she listened to his smooth voice. She would gladly listen to him for hours. As time went by that night, they both watched the sunrise. Wanting to keep this memory with her, she grabbed a beautiful picture of the sky, mixed with yellow and orange, the clouds giving it that purple-bluish hue to parts. It was her forever memory.

Softly pressing the messaging app, Sabo's name was the first to appear. It read: "[Name]! You're probably sleeping, but I wanted to ask you a question."

The anxious feeling grew in her chest. Was something wrong? What did he want to ask her? It was those sort of questions that struck fear in people. [Name] made sure she worded this sentence right, she didn't want to seem nervous to him. Playing with her [Hair/c] hair, she softly twirled the fluffy hair in her fingers. Tapping her clear and soft fingers together as she waited in response.

Once again, the phone lit up the dark room and instantly, she reached for the phone. Repeating her actions once again. his message read: "Don't worry! Everything is perfect. I was just wondering- even though you're across the country, would you like to come to my prom?"

There it was again, that butterfly feeling. She softly held her cheek, her usual elegant smile, dancing across her lips. Pressing on his contact name, [Name] tapped the Facetime button. Propping the phone up on her light oak desk, she took a seat in front of it, smiling sweetly.

When Sabo answered, he had a light blush tinted to his face. It was clear he wasn't expecting this. "Hi." Sabo breathed, a shaky breath following not long after. He brushed his golden locks out the way of his eyes. "Hi." [Name] breathed as well.

It's always the same when they video call. Taken back by how the other looks, they fall for each other all over again. Her soft, fluffy [Hair/c] Hair, her gorgeous [Eye/c] eyes and her kissable lips, he can't help but swoon each time he lays eyes on her. Then again, it's vice-versa.

"Um, Sabo-"

He loved hearing his name from her, how her precious voice says his name with love, he can't get over it.

"I would love to come to your prom, you know this."

Sabo's eyes lit up with such joy and excitement, it's almost a shame what she's about to whisper next. "But you know my parents would never let me."

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