when will you learn your actions have consequences

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Y'all I've been on my schools Wi-Fi since I started writing this is going to be an interesting conversation tomorrow.

You missed kerhs. But since you were a stubborn, you wouldn't admit it.

Person much?

ANnyway, birb life was okay too

You found that skank Fioana and did a do on her car. Then you fell out the skie and into Sjeeks house. "I love uou." He said. " Okay. " You said bakc. He kissed you with his crooked teeth and smiled widey . "We're you sleeping with Jeff again?" You cried. "Yes." he said. You screamed as Jeff popped out your eyebrow. "Mama!!!" He screamed. You yeeted him to Shkre and smiles. "We a family!" You said. "I guess." He said.

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