Out Of The Blue - Part 1

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"Have you spoken to Chris yet?" My best friend Chelsea asked as i drove home.
"No not yet, he's been filming all day. I'll talk to him over dinner, he said he'd be home earlier tonight".
"This is exciting, you've been waiting for this for so long" i couldn't help but smile at how excited she sounded "call me later? i need all the deets"
"I will, i gotta go i just got home and i gotta take the groceries in"
"Okay sweetie i'll speak to you later, i love you"
"Love you too, say hi to the kids for me and tell them i miss them"
"I will they miss you too".

After putting the groceries away i made a start on dinner, while cutting the veggies i danced around the kitchen not a care in the world. Dodger laying in his bed watching me and looking unamused.
"Don't judge me, I'm happy!" I mumbled to him "today is a good day and I'm feeling great!"

Once the dinner was in the oven i took the opportunity to freshen up a bit before going to sit out in the yard with a mug of tea while i threw the ball for Dodger. At around 7pm i found myself in the kitchen pulling plates down from the cupboard and setting them on the side ready to serve up the dinner. The front door opened and Dodger ran to greet Chris like he always did.
"Hey babe, I'm in the kitchen" i called out to him.
"Hey" He said as he appeared and stood in the doorway "whats all this for?"
"All what?" I laughed "me cooking?"
"Well yeah....."
"Just thought it'd be nice, plus i have some good news...."
"Y/N, i need to talk you" he said quietly staring down at his feet avoiding all eye contact with me.
"Okay.... is something wrong?"
"You're gonna hate me....."
"Chris.... what's going on?" I asked feeling my heart sink, every part of my being was screaming at me that this was gonna be bad.
"I.... i've been seeing someone".
And with those four words my world came crashing down around me. I stood in silence staring at him like he had grown an extra head..... part of me was dying to break down and cry, beg him to tell me it wasn't true. The other was furious that he did this, anger boiled and threaten to spill but then i found myself scoffing at him shaking my head. It all made sense now..... the late nights working, missed dinners and date nights.
"Y/N..... will you say something...." he mumbled. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him so i just turned and walked out the kitchen heading for the stairs.

Once upstairs i grabbed a bag and threw some clothes into it quickly, i needed to get away from him. I came downstairs carrying my bag in one hand and grabbing my phone and keys from the side with my free hand. Chris turned to look at me from where he was sat on the sofa and actually looked shocked to see me leaving.
"You don't need to leave, you can stay.... you can have the house"
"I don't want anything from you, keep it" i said looking at him in utter disgust. I started to head for the front door before stopping and walking back over to him.
"Here....." i shoved a piece of paper into his chest and he quickly grabbed at it before it fell to the floor "congratulations, you're gonna be a dad!"

I left him sitting on the sofa alone staring at the scan of our unborn baby as i got in my car and drove away.
I didn't get far before i had to pull over and finally let myself fall apart.

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