1-The Beginning

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Where am I? I can't see anything? I can't breath. Someone help me, PLEASE!


It was just a nightmare, again. Sigh, maybe I should visit my therapist again. No. Remember last time Kaito, never going back.

I slowly got out of bed to hit the showers. As I was walking, I stopped looking back at my bed. Hinata, I thought. I looked forward and continued my walk towards the bathroom.

I should really talk to her again. She's still out there. She's still on my phone. But, she's not here. I turned on the shower. I slowly took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. Hinata, I thought again. 

I shook my head and focused on showering. I felt the warm water running down my body. Hinata, I thought again, again, and again. Why won't you come back Hinata, I thought. I really wish she was by my side. Come back, come back, come back I repeated.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts and continued my shower.


I exited the bathroom and went to my closet for some clothes to wear. I decided to wear plain black pants and a white hoodie as my top. I didn't know what to do besides going to the boba shop and get some Milk Tea. 

I put on my beat up all black Vans, grabbed my phone and keys, then go out my door walking to the elevator. I live in an apartment in Shinjuku, Japan. It wasn't the most popular city in Japan, but it was good enough for me.

I finally reached the elevator. The doors opened and I walked in. I clicked the bottom floor since I was going to the boba shop. If I can recall, Pearl Lady should be the shop I'm looking for. If not, then it has to be Chatime. 

Well, either is fine. As long as I can get some Milk Tea I should be fine.


Finally, I'm at the main lobby. I walk until I suddenly gaze at someone. Why does she look so familiar? Hinata? No it can't be. I shake my head and focus on walking. 

Okay, back on track. I then search on Google Maps "Pearl Lady". One location pops up, I click it. I start to walk and walk. Stop, cars passing. Few minutes, I can continue to follow my path to get Milk Tea.


Straight, turn left, turn left again, then turn right, and another straight. There it was, Pearl Lady. I rushed inside. Lucky me, there were only a few people there considering it was just Saturday. I approached the cashier to get my order.

"Hello! What can I get for you sir?" The cashier lady said in a kind and friendly way. I smiled then said, "Just one classic Milk Tea would be it." 

The cashier lady had nodded then looked at me and said, " Would you like Boba with that sir?"

I never get Boba so I quickly responded saying, " No Boba please." The cashier lady, again, had nodded and had spoke again saying, "That will 551.24 Yen." I grabbed my wallet and grabbed my money and politely offered it to the cashier lady. She smiled and gave me back my change.

I then walked walked away and sat down at a chair near the window. 

I stared out the window. I saw all the buildings and cars. It was also very sunny outside. The sun was shining so bright it was blinding me, so I looked at the people in the café instead. 

I looked around and scanned each person. I came across a person all of a sudden. She looked so familiar like the last person. I stood up and approached her.

I tapped her shoulder and quietly said, "Hinata?" She turned around.

I couldn't believe what I saw as soon as I saw her face.

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