Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe the sight I was seeing. It was... Hinata. 

As soon as I saw her I hugged her immediately. I was almost crying at that point. "H-Hinata..." I stuttered as I cried. I felt her flinch. Then she spoke and said, "Kaito?" 

I pulled away so I could quickly wipe my tears and show my face to Hinata. "I thought you were gone." I said quietly. She chuckled and said, "Well, now you know I'm here, Kaito." She smiled at me; I smiled back.

"Number eight-teen!" I heard someone yell. It was my order so I went to get my drink and say thank you. As I walked back to Hinata, she was still there. Since she was here though, I thought maybe to take her out.

"Hey Hinata, are you free today?" I asked. She nodded and said, "Definitely, I'm free the whole week! Why?"

I gulped. I hesitated until I snapped out myself out of my thoughts. "I was going to ask if I could take you out, if that's okay with you." 

I was nervous, but Hinata smiled and nodded. I then took Hinata's hand unexpectedly and led her out the door of the café. 

"Where are we going Kaito?" Hinata asked. I didn't answer because I wanted to surprise her. "I'm guessing it's a surprise," She said in a questionably way.

I  was going to take Hinata to the cliff where we first met. I wanted to remind myself and Hinata of all the memories from our past, together.


Sorry for the short chapter.

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