chapter 1

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The bar was bright and lively. There were cheers from the drunken workers. They talked of riots and strike. Kyros, the leader of the union was standing on top of a table, leading on the crowd, talking of revolution. While his very pregnant wife, Katia, sat at a table in the back with Eurydice.  Eurydice was not like she was before, her hands were calloused, bags hanged from her eyes, her hair had grown out to her shoulder as she now wore a braid, and her cheeks were red from the heat. But, the nineteen-year-old had not lost her youth. 

Katia was a tall woman with a thin figure with her baby bump sticking out. Her red hair went down to her back and flowed like a crimson wave. Her hands were also calloused from sewing for long hours. Katia had an ethereal, motherly aura that Eurydice found comfort in. She was very different from her husband, who was a tall, strong man with large muscles. Kyros had tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair that swooped to one side. He seemed harsh but had a soft spot for some people, like his wife. 

They sat in the back of the bar, barely listening to what Kyros was saying to discuss certain business.  Eurydice did not know what it was, but it seemed urgent since the riot was planned for tomorrow.  The nerves in her stomach growled. It may have been the adrenaline or hunger. 

"So, what was so urgent? Is everything alright?" Eurydice questioned the woman. 

"Yes, everything is fine. It's just-" Katia said in a breathy voice like she was going to cry.

"Just what," Eurydice questioned protectively. 

"Kyros says that during the riot, we could escape. So that the baby is born free. Sure we'd be fugitives, but our child would be safer up on top than down here. And we want you to come with us."


"Yes, you. You almost made it out. Eurydice, you know the path out. Also, if we mad it out, you would be free and be able to see that singer boy of yours"

At first, Eurydice couldn't process. Then the idea of seeing Orpheus again hit her. She became. teary eyed.  She was overwhelmed with fear, love, and doubt. Did he still love her? Did he move on? Is he mad at her for leaving? What if he hated her?

"Are you sure? What if we get caught?" Eurydice asked. She let a tear slip out. 

"We won't. We need to work fast though. If you could mentally map it out, we could be free." Katia said. She wiped Eurydice's tear from her cheek.  Eurydice slowly sunk into her hand, for it was warm like a burning ember.

"Fine, I'll do it. " Eurydice said getting up. "I'm going to go pack though." 

The two said their goodbyes as Eurydice ran into her closet-sized apartment.

She took a backpack and stuffed her clothes in it. Then, she stuffed the small amount of money that she was paid in Hadestown. Eurydice looked at her locket. Orpheus gave it to her instead of an engagement ring. I contained a drawing of them, together and happy. She didn't know how he bought it, but it was cheaper than a damn ring, and a lot more meaningful. 

After she was done packing, she flopped on the twin bed in the small room and passed out.

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