Chapter 16

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Katie looked happy when she saw the bath. It was huge. It was more like Hogwarts had a swimming pool. The tabs were so beautiful. There were all types of different smell coming out. It smelled delicious in here. 

It became even more attractive to Katie when Severus unbuttened his shirt and removed all further clothing and let himself slide into the hot steamy water. 

'You know, swimming with a mermaid for a girlfriend never gets old', Severus said while he grabbed her arm and helped her into the pool. 

Katie let herself slide into the water with the help from Severus. She felt her tail appear. She also felt a lot better. 

Katie understood now why she felt so weak just now. Her mermaid powers told her that something was going on into her belly. She was pregnant, she knew now. 

'Severus, I have to tell you something', Katie said. 'What is it sweetheart', Severus said. 'As a mermaid, you feel things that humans can't, for example. I am now a 100% sure that I am pregnant, I'll take a test, but I am positive that it is the reason why I felt so sick all morning', Katie said. 

'You are... uh pregnant', Severus said and he was a little bit in shock. 'I am pregnant indeed', Katie said a little worried how Sev was going to feel about that. Was he ready to be a father, more important, is she ready to be a mom, but I guess you are never ready when it comes to parenthood. 

'I couldn't be more happy about this Katie, I always wanted to be a father, ever since my father treated me so bad, I intent to do right by my son or daughter', Severus said. 

'You do realise that the child will be a halfbreed as well, so she will need to go at some point where you can't go', Katie said. 

'It doesn't make me want the child any less or love the child less, I won't make the same mistake as when we were younger', Severus said. 

Katie knew he was talking about the bad break between them right before school ended. 'This little one will keep us together no matter what', Katie promised. 'Yes, I love you for it', Severus said and he kissed her softly on her lips. 

'Severus, I think I am done bathing, I want to go to our room and make love to you', Katie said. 'You reading my mind', Severus said. 

They both fell into the room from Severus kissing. 'Are you sure that this activity won't hurt the baby?', Severus said. 'No, why do men always think that, that is a lie. A woman can always have sex suring pregnancy, guys are always scared that their penis will shock the baby or something, well, right now it's stage one my darling Severus, it's not even a baby yet', Katie explained. 

'All right, I trust your judgement my love', Severus said. 'Good', Katie whispered and she pressed him on the bed. She took of his towell. Naked Severus is so hot, she will never get tired of seeing him naked. 

The next morning she woke up happy. When she looked to her left Severus was laying next to her. Sleeping piecefully. 

She knew at that moment that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. No matter what the future holds. 

'Goodmorning my love', Severus mumbled with his eyes closed. He knew she was awake and staring at him. 'Goodmorning sweetheart', Katie whispered back and she kissed him on his forehead and then on his nose and then she went to his lips. 

Severus opened his eyes. 'I love you so much', he said and he was pulling her close to him. 'I love you Severus', Katie said. 'Never leave me', Severus begged. 'Never again my love', Katie whispered and she let her hand slide under the sheets to his private parts. 

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