Sleep Time

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As calmly and politely as I could I opened the door to see Kirishima waving at me. I wanted to scream and rip all of my hair out while I managed to say, "What the hell are you doing here."

His expression dropped making me feel little bad, " Jeez man I'm sorry, I just wanted to come over and ask how'd it go with Jirou."

I aggressively flailed my arms and yelled in a whisper, " SHUT UP MAN SHE'S HERE RIGHT NOW!"

He whispered back, "Oh I'll come back later then."

He said goodbye then walked off. I closed the front door and sighed heavily, Why does this have to happen to me, it was going so well.  I felt drained as I trudged back up the steps and into my room, finding Jirou sound asleep. Quietly I walked across my room making sure to not fall over anything again and laid down beside her. I poked her arm to make sure she was asleep and she was freezing cold. I grabbed my soft blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapped myself up then gently pulled her to my chest without waking her. Within a few minutes she had started to warm up and I buried my face in her hair. Enjoying her sweet lavender sent while listening to her faintly snore. I closed my restless eyes and next thing I knew I was out like a light. 

{ Hi guys! Sorry this chapter is so short I'm brain dead and running out of ideas. I hope you enjoy it anyway.}  

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