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valentines day has passed

and i learned a very important lesson

never try to give flowers to the sun

because he will burn them

burn you

burn you for your ignorance

your cluelessness

just like he did to me

i didn't even pass as your stars

you didn't want me

you didn't want me

why, hoseok?

you declared me pluto

the farthest 'planet'

not even a damn planet

just a large rock

but unlike the moon, i am insignificant

i am useless

nobody cares about pluto

they used to fight about whether i am a planet

but you gave the answer


i am not a planet.

i am a stupid rock


i think i finally understand.

my 'one day' here will never come

yet nothing will change

the planets will keep orbiting you

you will keep shining

even if pluto is no more,

even if i've finally broke

it'll be less weight on your shoulders


i'm doing this for you

goodbye, my sunshine.

hopefully we will meet again

in a different life

where i am not pluto and you are not the sun

i want us to be as hoseok and yoongi

not today


maybe one day.

One Day (myg+jhs)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora