-(••÷[ Growing Up ]÷••)-

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Vasaries was very different from the rest of her siblings, so much so, many question the legitimacy of the child. Her head was a silvery white, a snow kissed head that the rest of the family did have some traces.

The big noticeable detail were her eyes. She did not have the lilac eyes that her Targaryen family inherited after many years of inbreeding, she had silver eyes to match her silver hair.

Though, many did not question it after Rhaegar spoke publicly that he will not accept any questioning of the child. She was Targaryen and will be treated with the upmost respect.

People openly stopped talking about the new babe princess. She held Royal blood even if she could be a bastard. Many of the Maester's questioned if the child will be able to see. Silver eyes could be confused with a disease that causes blindness at birth.

When Vasaries turned a year old, they had tested her vision by setting different toys in front of her and letting her crawl to the toys. They did not make any noise, instead, they shook the toy in front of her and waited for her response.

To the delight of the Royal Family, the little toddler crawled her way over and grabbed the toy. Inserting it into her mouth. That day, she said her first two words.

"Wolf, Dragon!" Vasaries cried out happily, clapping her chubby little hands together.

The aw's and oo's of the Septa, Viserys, Daenerys, Rhaella made the little girl giggle in delight.

Rhaella picked the child up from the floor and into her arms. Viserys and Daenerys rushed to their mother side to play with the little girl. Giggling and cooing to the little Vasaries.

Soon enough, Vasaries began to walk all over place, taking confident steps each time she successfully moved her little legs from one place of the floor to the other.

At this time, Rhaegar and Lyanna decided to visit the little girl's nursery.

They beckoned the girl over, giving her faces and letting Aegon, whom they nicknamed Jon, hold Vasaries hand and walk beside her. Jon was a bit shorter than Vasaries, but even so, he knew how to walk better than Vasaries.

They often talked in their own baby language, switching toys and giggling when they saw Rhaegar do something funny.

Lyanna would often just sit and watch with the Septa, discussing about the children and about life problems that prodded it's way into their lives.

Soon enough, Vasaries turned 7, now she had to learn how to be a Lady.

Throughout the years, her giggles became less frequent. She had become lonely since Jon had to learn how to fight and watch his father do his daily duties.

She was stuck with her Septa and Daenerys. They sewed until their little fingers ached, they learnt songs until they couldn't anymore.

Daenerys yearned to be by her Brothers side, to learn to rule just like him. She was promised to marry a tribe leader named Khal Drogo. Khal of the Great Grass Sea. She will be shipped off to her husband in a few days. Things were becoming lonelier for the little Princess.

She didn't have anyone to call Mother, she called her sister Rhae and her niece Dany. Even if she was Dany's aunt, she was younger than her. She had to respect her elders.

Soon enough, Dany left to meet her husband. Daenerys had Viserys with her. She didn't understand why they had to leave, but she didn't want a life like that.

She waved goodbye to Daenerys until the ship sailed so far into the horizon, they disappeared. Jon stood next to her, waving goodbye with little tears in his eyes.

Vasaries was now 16, a girl reaching womanhood.

She fit the picture image of a Lady. She knew how to do embroidery, learned most houses of the Seven Kingdoms and learn the duties of a Lady: to be a good wife and birth heirs for her Husband.

Even so, she grew up as a dragon and wolf. She had the mentality of Honor and Justice that Lyanna Stark had taught her, the ruling and just mentality came much later, when Rhaegar and his mother, Rhaella died in her sleep.

She remembered vividly how she came to learn how the world would treat them.

Rhaegar and Lyanna reached Dragonstone with Jon. Aling with them was Viserys and Daenerys. A strange man stood next to Daenerys.

Vasaries quickly knew that the man was Khal Drogo, Dany's husband. Daenerys also had a babe in her arms, a newborn, she thought.

Rhaegar and Lyanna now ruled Essos as it's King and Queen. It has caused a bit of an uproar in Westeros, but Eddard Stark, Robert's Hand, told them that they would come to a peace treaty. Dragonstone, now was owned by Rhaegar. However, he gave Dragonstone to his mother.

"Where is mother, Vassy?" Viserys asked, noticing the woman was missing from the reunion.

Vasaries motioned for the group to walk with her. They looked a bit confused, but followed her anyways.

Upon entering the enormous castle, she led them to a room that they recognized as Shaera's room, Vasaries and Rhaella's mother.

They all walked in to see Rhaella laying in the bed, reading a book. She put her book down, looked up. She smiled and greeted them.

After a few weeks being bed-ridden, Rhaella passed away with her family gathered around in her room with teary eyes and half-smiles.

Soon, she will have to marry someone of power. She now owned Dragonstone, it is her birthright. She was the lone dragon in Dragonstone, with a white-golden dragon within her company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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