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*not edited*


"Now why..." My coworker Reyna snickered as this lady walked by.

Nick and I looked up instantly.

She bad the nerve to be mean mugging everyone but her eyebrows looked like nike checks. Just do it headass.

I shook my head dusting off my scrubs as I leaned back in my chair.

As a part of my class I was required to actually go to the hospital and be supervised by one of the head nurses.

My teacher got Nick and I this little year round job on the side since she believed in us and it payed us just a little bit.

"It's only one in the afternoon. We've been here for an six hours and it already feels like an eternity." I groaned throwing my head back in annoyance.

"If you don't shut up before you know who hears you. You know his ass don't like nobody." Nick mumbled.

Reyna nodded in agreement. "His tight ass make me sick. I really be ready to shove this whole clipboard up his ass no lie."

The three of us busted out laughing gaining the attention of some patients waiting in the lobby.

I don't know why they put us three in the front desk anyway. All we do is clown around.

I mean sometimes we actually get up and do work with patients but today's been pretty slow for some reason.

I guess people finally seeing that life ain't nothing to play with.

"You telling me."

I logged back onto my computer as soon as I saw my supervisor walk past. "Look look look..." I muttered to them as he walked past.

"Hey guys. Working hard or hardly workin' huh? Let's get some work done."

The three of us smiled and as soon as he left we mugged the fuck out of him. "He makes me sick!" Reyna almost screamed getting up.

"I'm going to the cafeteria for some coffee ya'll wanna come?"

Nick jumped up grabbing his stuff. "You want anything?"

I shook my head tapping my pen on the desk in front of me.

Once they were gone I grabbed my phone and checked a few of my messages.

Some were from my hoes and another from Symere telling me about his night. I responded back to his message and put my phone away.

From the corner of my eye I saw a figure walk up to the front desk.

"Hello please sign in and I'll be right with you in a moment."

"So I give you head at a party in the bathroom and you can't even text a nigga? Wow."

My eyes almost popped out of my head as I saw Jonathan standing there filling out the sign in sheet. "What? Surprised to see me?" He smirked.

"What are you doing here?"

He looked around for a split second before looking back at me. "This is a hospital. You know the place people come to see doctors and shit. I ain't know you worked here though."

I hummed going on the computer. "So what are you here for? Check up? Visiting someone? Perhaps someone who just had a baby?"

He clutched his chest and gasped. "You think I got some bi-I mean female pregnant?"

An old woman stared him down like he was about to get beat. It was like she was threatening him to finish that word.

"I didn't say you did. Now you're just putting words in my mouth. You could've had a sister, niece, or a cousin."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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