Show Me the Way (A SHINee Fanfic) Fires, Boys and Ribbons! Oh, my!

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        JaeHwa dangled her legs over the ledge of the wall, Hana and MiHyun on either side of her. She stared out into the horizon, absorbing the blue skies, the fluffy white clouds and the slight breeze brushing her hair away from her face. It was a peaceful time – morning – and she was enjoying the serenity before her classes started. And below in the courtyard everything was peaceful as well, so she saw no need to stress for her calculus exam (which she was most certain she would fail) or her History project that was due today and that she had lost only to find again being used for the lining of her neighbour’s hamster cage.

            That was, things were meant to be peaceful, but the army of young men that were trotting through the front gates of the prestigious all girls’ school was enough to ruin the established calm and send the hairs on the back of JaeHwa’s neck prickling.

            “What are they doing here?” she questioned her friends. She wondered whether they were doing a practical joke (like they had been known to do in the past, though they usually weren’t this great in number). With her eyes tailored to their movements, though, JaeHwa could see that there were like an armada and they wouldn’t be able to get the cooperation of so many boys. Plus, she spotted her younger brother with the first years and two teachers flanking the boys, which meant that this was something more serious than a petty prank.

            “Maybe they’re organizing a dance?” MiHyun suggested in a childish tone, brown eyes bright with excitement at the visitors.

            But Hana rolled her eyes and shook her head, curly hair bouncing over her shoulders. “I don’t think this is a dance, MiHyun… They would have warned us. Plus, it’s a Monday.”

            The three girls sat there, observing the boys and debating what they could possibly be coming to the school for. When they all came up short on a valid conclusion they grabbed their messenger bags, groaning at the weight of them, and headed down the winding stair case that led them to the main hall. Side by side, almost pressed shoulder to shoulder, the trio watched the boys enter the school. They were just as curious as their school mates but they made it a little less obvious by not giggling over the looks of the boys and swooning over every one that bothered to glance their way. JaeHwa thought she even saw a fifth year senior swoon when a first year boy smiled at her. Talk about a pedo noona…

            “Seriously, this school is over crowded by airless gits like them,” Hana sneered, talking about JooYeon and her group of airheaded drones bouncing and giggling over a couple boys who’d strayed from the crowd of their peers to talk to them. “We don’t have space for y-chromosomes and testosterone filled bone heads,” she finished.

           MinHyun laughed, finding her friend with a bitter expression and crossed arms was a humorous sight. “Relax, maybe it’ll liven up the atmosphere a bit!” she chirped.

            The look of horror that passed over Hana’s face was quite comical but JaeHwa didn’t dwell on it. She was fixated on the wave of boys rolling towards the auditorium that seemed like it was never ending. Instead of worrying over the social aspects of their arrival she was dwelling over academics, trying to calculate how much time they were losing with this and how those guys being here on campus would distract her from achieving her best work.

            A crackling sound from above was followed by a robotic voice that screeched at the girls to report to the auditorium immediately for an emergency assembly.

            There was a raucous of cheers from everyone as an assembly would mean missing one or two of their morning periods. For once, JaeHwa was relieved as well that she’d be able to miss calculus. This way, she’d have more time to study. Her friends, however, had different reactions to her. MinHyun stretched her arms over her head and smiled a goofy smile.

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