Show Me the Way (A SHINee Fanfic) Visions

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          It had been a failure. An utter and total failure. Her calculus test had come and bit her in the ass; a scolding for not paying enough attention to studying. She felt her heart clench just thinking about what her parents would tell her if they found out. And as if she hadn’t already been bummed out about that she had Mr. Park and his grubby kissing booth to deal with.

            She was sulking on a bench, taking in all the fresh air she could before curfew and staring over her various scattered notes, trying to figure out what to start on first. There was the kissing booth and the fact that she now had to approach Hana and MinHyun as partners so she could have an even balance of boy lips and girl lips. She had a medical excuse to give her a pass of leave and she knew that the two girls wouldn’t be able to resist her pleads when the saw the mess she was in.

            Even if she chose the kissing booth to work on, however, there was a whole sub list under that. The predicted cost of the materials for their booth, the registering in the actual fundraiser list, the location reservation, the contracts that she had to hand out… And she had to organize another meeting so she could actual give those out and divide the tasks evenly…

            As she was exhausted already she made up her mind to leave that to tomorrow where she’d have the weekend to mull over it and organize herself.

            Instead, JaeHwa chose to tackle the calculus homework she had. If only to make sure that for her next test she wasn’t so unprepared.

            Buried deep in her numbers, JaeHwa didn’t notice the few stragglers walking through the campus and giggling amongst themselves. It was a mix of boys and girls, some giggling and shoving each other playfully, while others were awkwardly tagged along as the third, fourth and even fifth wheel. Thankfully she had trained herself to turn a blind eye to the going-on’s around her and was able to float through the first two pages of her work without problem. She was making steady progress and was about to turn in for the night when thunder rumbled above her. JaeHwa hardly had time to break for it when the rain poured down. All her papers and books were nearly instantly soaked. She herself was shivering madly in her worthless uniform as she raced against nature.

            Despair settled in when she settled under the overhang of a building. Her socks made squishy wet sounds when she walked and she trembled as the wind picked up. Goose bumps mocked her and when JaeHwa looked down at her watch she was horrified to see that curfew was in five minutes. Had it not been raining she could have made it on time.

            She didn’t want to deal with this right now!

            She would have been better off passing out that day. At least then she’d have an excuse for failing the test, for losing all the lists she’d painstakingly spent her time on, for the big, ugly brown spot on her uniform.

            It seemed as if the storm would never calm down and JaeHwa would be stuck there forever when she caught sight of a shadowed figure stumbling along the walk way. With the rain and her failing eyesight (she honestly needed to go get her prescription renewed for her glasses… And actually start wearing them) she found it hard to decipher who the person was. By squinting she was able to determine it to be a male, though she didn’t give it another thought after that.

            Her attention was drawn somewhere else – up to the grey sky, the occasional flashes of lightning, the rain flooding puddles on the sides of the walkways. When she turned back she wasn’t expecting to see the boy still there. Closer even than he was before and no longer upright.

            Instinct had her running towards him, ignoring the weather and dropping down on her knees to see if he was okay. She knew from experience that being in his position did no substantiate as anything good…

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2012 ⏰

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