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Aiyla stood beside Pepper in a sea of people she hardly knew. Some of them were crying, others just looked at the ground, lost in thought, while some seemed to be listening carefully to the priest's words. All of them had gathered to honour the memory of a man that had saved them many times. They were there to honour a hero.

Steve Rogers had died some days ago, but his death wasn't much of a tragedy in Aiyla's mind. After all, in the end, he had managed to actually live his life with his loved one. He had had the peace he had been longing for, he had seen a lot, had much experience on different matters. His life had certainly not been a boring one, and he had lived it to the fullest.

Aiyla couldn't be sorry for his death when there were other heroes that had never managed to live the life they had been dreaming of fully.

She stole a glance at Pepper before turning back to her front. She had left Morgan in a friend's house for a while, just so that she could attend the funeral. Aiyla had questioned her going but she had claimed that Steve had been someone Tony had respected and the least she could do about him was go to his funeral. Pepper was the sole reason she was even attending this funeral in the first place. Aiyla had been loyal to Tony Stark and those that had supported him, not those that kept questioning him and had betrayed his trust on occassion.

Despite her protests, she had followed Pepper. Even if she tried to use her work as a response as to why she couldn't attend the funeral, that try would have been futile as all agents working under Fury had taken the day off so as to honour the death of the Avenger. She had no other choice but to attend.

And so that was how she found herself sitting among thousands of people, dressed in a black modest dress with her hair half up. She hadn't bothered to take a car with her, she knew she wouldn't find a parking space. Not when she was going to a funeral of such a known person.

As the body was laid down and the funeral ended, most of the people left. She would have done the same if it weren't for Pepper. Before she had the chance to go anywhere, she grabbed her arm and led her closer to the grave. The closer they got, the more familiar faces Aiyla saw. Some were colleagues, but the closer she got to the grave, she noticed some members of the Avengers. Or rather, what was left of them.

Clint was silent beside Wanda while Rhodey stood by her other side with his head lowered to the ground. Bruce was crying beside him, while Scott Lang dressed in a black suit tried to comfort him. She noticed Peter Parker and then the King of Wakanda standing beside Stephen Strange and then Sam Wilson before her eyes fell on Bucky Barnes. She instantly looked away, only to notice Fury heading over towards them. Instantly, she straightened up.

"Director Fury," Pepper nodded in his direction as she noticed him, offering her hand for a handshake.

"It's good to see you came," he nodded as he shook her hand before his eyes fell on Aiyla. "How is it going with the case?"

"I've got a lead, I think, but I'm not sure yet," she mumbled in a hushed tone so that only Pepper close to them would hear. "I'm trying my best, boss. I'll let you know by Monday."

Pleased, he nodded. "I expect your report on Monday then."

He looked around them, his eyes falling on the grave one last time before he shook his head. With a firm and final nod at the both of them, he turned around and walked away.

"I'm going to go to Rhodey," Pepper told her softly, "you are coming, right?"

"If you insist," she sighed as she followed after her.

"What's that case he was talking about?"

"The one I mentioned the other day, it's about some paedophiles," she murmured with a scowl. "I hate these guys. It's quite hard to not kill them the moment I see them."

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