Before The Holiday

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_A Month Later_

It's been a month since Taehyung found out about Jihyun's real identity and not much has happened so far honestly. Just that Y/n has been getting a lot of roses such that her vase is full. Jimin didn't like it though. Every time Jimin saw a rose, he would pout and plead Y/n to throw it away. However, since Y/n didn't want to waste money, she continued to add to the vase.

Jihyun has been thinking of ways to reveal his secret to Namjoon. As for Jimin, he still didn't know how to reveal to him yet. He still needed to wait for them to break apart before he could snoop in to comfort her and take her back.


"Y/n! Hmph!"

Jimin pouted and whined again. I was doing my research for my project which was due next week before the one month holiday we get in the middle of the school year. The first week would be for my job attachment and then I was going on a road trip with Jimin.

Jimin was now trying to gain my attention since I had been busy the whole week. I was almost done with my project but Jimin's whining wasn't getting me anywhere. He had his head laid on my lap and was looking up at me with puppy eyes while I tried my best to ignore him.


He whined again. Suddenly, I felt my shirt, or more likely his hoodie, get stretched and something hairy rub against my body before a head popped up in front of me.

"Hey! What are you doing in my shirt!"

He smiled at me innocently before pecking my lips.

"My hoodie you mean."

"Get out please, I need to finish my project."

I sighed.

"Nope, not getting out. Until you kiss me."

"Not now please."

"Kiss me or I won't get out."

He pouted. I sighed again and looked back at my computer.


I looked back at him questionably.


He was looking down at...

"Do you always have such a nice view?"

"Byuntae! (Pervert!)"

"So nice...Ahh...and soft."

He said while snuzzling his head into my neck and leaning all his body weight onto my chest. I rolled my eyes before resting my chin onto his head and continuing with my project.

_An hour later_

I was finally done with my project and I yawned. I looked at the clock on the wall and realised that it was already 8 PM. Should go and get dinner. I shut down my computer and looked at the little baby with his head snuzzled into my neck. I could feel his warm breath constantly hitting my skin. I kissed the top of his head and whispered to him.

"Baby, come on. Let's go for dinner. I know you're hungry. Come on sleepy head."

I chuckled as I saw him groan as he turned his head. Now, his head was turned to the side and I could see his cute pouty face.

"Baby, I'm all yours now ok? Come on, let's go for dinner."


He slowly got up and got out of my shirt.


I chuckled and pecked him on the lips as he rubbed his eyes like a baby.

"Let's go to the café."

I got up from my seat and went to Taehyung's room. 

"We're going for dinner. You want something?"

"No thanks, ate already."

I nodded and closed the door. Overwatch again, he will never stop. Jungkook...

"Let's go."

He dragged me out and went to the car. He got me seated inside and told me to wait while he went to take away food. He came back a while later. He got in with boxes of food and drove off.

We arrived shortly later at a building and we went up the stairs to the rooftop. He took my hand and we sat on the floor while looking out at the scenery. I leaned on his shoulders as I ate my burger and drank my chocolate milkshake.

It was a starry and breezy night. The road was quiet and there was not a single soul. Just me and Jimin under the beautiful night sky. It was the first time someone has ever done something like this with me.

"You know how much I love you right?"

Jimin finally spoke up and I got up from his lap and looked at him.

"I know. And I love you too baby. What's wrong?"

He sighed and pulled me into his embrace.

"I know you still love him. Your heart is not all with me. And let's say Jihyun really is Jungkook. I know things between us will change, a lot. And..."

I cut him off by putting my lips onto his and my arms around his neck.

"I love you and only you ok? That's another matter."

I put my lips back onto his and deepened it. Our lips moved in sync and moulded together as I felt him tilt his head. I slowly got up and straddled his lap.


I watched as they made out on the rooftop passionately. A tear unknowingly escaped my eye.

Getting her back may be tougher than I imagined.

A/n: Last update before my exams! Sorry it's so short. Either way, wish me luck!

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