I'm not mad (R21! Smut warning!)

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"Remember your manners students!"

Our teacher shouted as we got onto the bus to take to Seoul National Hospital. It's finally the first week of the holidays and my internship starts. Every one hurried onto the bus as we were excited for the upcoming plans the hospital staff had in for us.

"Ok students!"

The teacher shouted as the bus started moving on the bumpy road.

"You guys will be split into groups according to what your are studying. Group 1, neourlogists, Jeon Jihyun, Kim Seokjin and Lee Y/n!"

He continued on and on. The three of us were gathered at the back of the bus where the 5 seater was. Me and Jin were on one end and Jihyun was on the other side. Me and Jin were planning out how we were going to get the information on Jungkook. We had planned out that during break we would fake our names and just ask the receptionist. We smiled and I looked over at Jihyun, I really do hope that you are Jungkook. I admired his beautiful features and felt myself smiling. He had his leaned against the window with his earphones plugged in. I scooted over next to him and ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. I saw a small smile appear on his face, I wonder what he is dreaming about.

The bus eventually came to a stop in front of the big hospital. Everyone got off the bus and stood in our groups, following the respective Doctors who would be our guide the entire week.

Today, we got to see 2 live operations of removing brain tumour and got to see how scan procedures take place. I was literally an excited little puppy who took 2 people to calm me down.

It was time to go home and every one was leaving. Jimin was coming to pick me up and go back to the dorm, he had volunteered to stay with me in the dorm this one week so that I would not be lonely.

Me and Jin hurried to the nurse at the reception and asked her about Jeon Jungkook.

"Ah, Jeon Jungkook? Mr Jeon's son? He was discharged ages ago."


I confirmed.

"Yes. He is alive and well. His operations were all successful."

That was when she realised.

"Omo! I wasn't suppose to tell! Please don't give me away!"

We nodded and thanked her scared figure. So he really is Jeon Jungkook. We walked out of the building and saw him, standing there. He was looking at the road, dazing probably. I ran up to back hug him, tears starting to stream down my face.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

I whispered into his ear and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I was waiting for you."

He turned around to face me and smiled. He started to lean in. My body started moving on its own. I leaned in too before my conscience snapped me out of it. I quickly stepped back and Jungkook looked at me heartbroken.

"I'm sorry. This is wrong. I...I"

I looked down guiltily and ran to the bus stop where Jimin said he would be waiting for me. I quickly entered the car. Jimin turned to me worried.

"Jagi? You okay?"

"I'm sorry, I almost kissed him."

"But you didn't right?"

I shook my head and looked and my lap. I felt him place to fingers on my chin and raise my head.

"Look at me."

He said softly. I slowly looked at him, his cute Mochi face. He smiled at me when my gaze reached his.

"Then I'm not mad."

He placed his lips on mine slowly. I responded quickly and our lips moved in sync. I forgot how it felt to have his soft lips on mine. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, deepening the passionate the kiss.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. We gasped for air as I felt his hot breath hit my cheeks.

"Let's take this home. Tae isn't in."

His smile turned into a smirk and he sat back into his seat. He buckled his seat belt and drove back to our dorms.

As soon as he opened the door he slammed me against the wall. He placed his lips on mine and I could feel his neediness through his kiss. He leaned his body onto mine and I could feel his growing bulge. I place my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as I could. He placed his small hands on my thighs and hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his small waist as he pressed me against the wall again. I leaned into him and he carried me to our bedroom. 

He pulled away and threw me onto the bed. We gasped for air and he smirked at my completely submissive state. He climbed above me and took off my pants shirt and bra, leaving me in my underwear. He took off his shirt and placed his lips onto mine again. I brought my hand down to his stomach and felt his perfectly toned abs.

His mouth made its way down to my neck as he sucked on my skin like a hungry baby. I glided my hand down to his growing bulge and caressed it, feeling him moan into my skin.

I used all my strength and straddled his lap. I unbuckled his belt and pulled off his pants hastily. I placed my clothed wet core onto his bulge and started grinding against him. He groaned and moaned as he tried to flip us again but I was fast enough to hold his hands down. I got off him as he breathed heavily, his chest rising up and down with his eyes closed.

I peeled of his boxers and grabbed hold of the long length that sprung out. I stroked it up and down. I took my palm and spit of my saliva onto it before I started palming him. I heard him whine out as I started placing a few kisses on the tip of his cock.

"Please stop teasing me jagi...ah."

I immediately place my mouth around his cock and started sucking it. Swirling my tongue around it and suck the top harder as my head moved upwards. I looked up at Jimin and smirked as I looked at him being submissive to me. I moaned a bit, sending a slight vibration into his dick. Another moan escaped his lips as his cock started twitching my mouth. I smirked as I removed my mouth right before he could release. He whined at me and flipped back again.

He ripped my underwear off and placed is lips onto my wet core. He sucked on my bud and inserted his tongue in and out while his hands massaged my boobs.

"Jimin ah..."

I moaned out as his teeth grazed the insides of my folds. He played and sucked, sending me into ecstasy. 

"Ah Jimin I'm..."

He immediately pulled away and he smirked.


I pouted and pull him onto me. I rolled over again and placed his length at my entrance. I sat down on him and a groan escaped my mouth as I felt him fill me up. I had been forever since I felt him inside me. 

I bounced on his lap and he placed his hands on my waist to guide me.

He flipped us again and took himself out of me. He ripped a silver packaging and rolled a condom onto his length before pushing himself back into me. He started pounding into me, hitting me g-spot almost immediately.


I screamed as he came down to kiss me, muffling my moans.

I felt my walls start to tighten around him as I came. I came into the condom shortly after a few more thrusts and pulled out of me. He rolled the condom off and tied it, throwing it into his him by the desk.

He fell next to me and pulled his blanket over us. I felt his wrap his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you so much, so so much."

He said as he snuggled his face into my neck. I turned around to face him and buried my head into his chest.

"I love you so much too."

I whispered back. I looked up and pecked his lips before falling asleep in his tight grasp.

A/n: Ey! My exams are over!! So we shall celebrate my return with a little smut! Whoop whoop! I've been wanting to write a Jimin and Y/n smut for a while now. Hope u like it! Comment and vote please!

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