Chapter 1

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We've both always had a bad rep. His title of the 'bad boy' came from his absolute shit charisma and illegal drug affiliations. Mine came from physical brawls and a lack of respect for others. But, I guess In saying that, we both have always had that mutual respect for each other that came with a dull acknowledgement of the other's existence.

But as I watched him stumble down the stairs of the patio, unsteadily swaying and falling to sit down on them, I couldn't help this unknown emotion build up in me. To be honest, I wish I could feel bad for him. But I didn't. The only thing I felt bad for is that when it came to him, everyone knew what made him that way.

His dad was in and out of Jail since he was born, alleged counts of murders, drugs, and rape. His dad quite possibly had the worst rep, but our fathers had been tight one apon a time. My father even taking him in for a little while before he was tossed in to the ups and down of foster care. His mum favoured her new family over her blood son, left as soon as he turned the ripe old age of 6. I guess that pity is what made me push though the clammy bodies drunkly dancing and outside in to the cool air. Walking over I sat down next to him. He looked over at me with confused glazed eyes.

"You want to put that bottle down?" I say looking down pointedly at the bottle of grey goose that loosely hang from his gasp. He tightened his grip around the neck of the bottle and bringing it to his lips he chugged what was left before smashing it on the ground. The bottle shattered as I send him an unimpressed look. "Wow, you're so cool," he gave a huff as a response and turned away from me.

"You done being a drama queen?" I look from the bottle on the ground to his shadowed face. He glared at me with his dark eyes

"What are you doing out here, shouldn't you be inside starting shit," he grumbled looking back down to the broken bottle

"And miss this great convo we have going, I wouldn't dream of it," I said with a roll of my eyes. He glared up at me again

"What are you playing at Chiara? We haven't been close since we were kids," he said almost as a whisper. I paused. He was right about that, back when our families were close, we used to run around. Playing games in the backyard and fighting over little things that years ago, would have seemed like the most important things in the world. But he did have point, what am I doing here?

"Look, we might not be close but it truely is sad how you hold yourself," I say with a roll of my eyes. I toss him a water bottle as I pat his shoulder. Getting up I leave him to sulk in his own self pity.


I could feel him staring at me again, he had a habit of doing that for the past week. I continued to ignore him as I flipped my dark hair over my shoulder.

"That boy has problems," Meghan laughed out as she looked towards him "he's been staring at you for like 10 minuets." I rolled my eyes in response, a small smile at my lips

"Oh no, don't tell me he's the clingy type," Sarah groaned "you can't fuck anyone these days without strings attached," she mumbled

I laughed "we didn't fuck, Jesus." I said shaking my head

"I'd hope you didn't fuck Jesus," Melody laughs, I roll my eyes again, smiling

"Well what did you do, boy is look at you like a snack," Jacob added "A whole meal."

"We deadass didn't do anything, I don't know why he is being all... fucked," I said, is it about what happened at the party? I mean, we hardly talked...

"Awww, does someone have a crush on you," Jack pouted "Chiara and Luca siting in a tree," he started

"K.I.S.S.I.NG," He continued with Jacob and Zane joining in, a grin spreading on his face as the others laughed

"Oh for fucks sake," I groan, I bury my face in my hands shaking my head

"First comes love! Th-" I throw his bag at him as the bell rings for class "Hey!" He calls out as I swing on my own bag and walk away, chuckling. Luca might have problems but my friends were on a whole different level.

I barely made it 2 meters down the hallway when a hand grips my arm, I'm aggressively shoved in to a deserted classroom. I stumble forward as my bag slips off my arm. I spin around in confusion, my eyes locking with Lucas dark brown eyes. His lean figure easily towers over me, he sharp jaw is clenched as he stares down at me

"What the fuck?" I glare at Luca as he locks the door and I pick up my bag again. His dark eyes glaring back, daring me to try and open the door "Do you want to die today Mackenine?" I say pushing his chest. Luca Mackenine, my once childhood best friend. He doesn't budge as I push, he takes a step towards me.

"Why did you talk to me after all these years?" His voice is low as he continues to glare at me. I take a step back, not liking how close he was to me

"If you really don't like talking to me that much, it won't happen again," with a role of my eyes I take a step to walk around him. What is wrong with this kid?

He grabs my wrist and spins me around, slamming me up against the door. "tell me," he growls as he leans closer "why did you talk to me?" Is he serious right now? I talked to him, god fucking forbid. I swallow hard, he is way too close for comfort.

"If you don't get the fuck off me right now -" he grabs me by the chin before I can finish. A deadly look flashes in his eyes. I swallow hard, trying to keep myself from doing something stupid. I know deep down that I can't beat his ass up, but he is crossing a fucking line right now. I swallow hard, anger settling in the bottom of my chest as his dark brown eyes gaze in to mine. Anger creased in to his face, his rough hand tighten slightly and his fingers lightly press in to my jaw. I can spell the smoke on his breath as starts to speak again

"Just answer my question and we can both go," he whispers, roughly letting go of my chin, I glare at him.

"Y'know, you could have just asked me out in the parking lot like a normal person instead of dragging me in to this room like a psycho," his hands clench beside him at the mention of psycho but I'm beyond pissed to care. "And then maybe I would've told you, like a civilised fucking person," I push him back again and continuing to glare up at him. A deadly fire lit in his eyes. With his jaw clenched he heaves in a breath.

"Why did you help me out at the party? You haven't talked to me in years, I just want to know why someone like you would take pity on me," he continues with his voice low and his face hard and void of emotion, but I could've sworn I saw something else in his eyes. I let out an irritated sigh, trying to calm myself. It's not worth it, it's not worth it. I look over his tense figure

"You haven't talked to me either Luca. I helped you out cause you're a sad bitch of a man. You need to get your life together, it's fucking sad. My dad didn't waste his time on you so you could be a sorry excuse of a human." I shake my head letting out a small breath "I'll see you around," I let myself out of the room before he can reply. I get away before he can grab me again. If this is what I get for being a decent human, I never want to be one again.

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