Chapter 4

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"He wanted you to go to dinner with your mum?" I could already sense the anger coming off of James as he lowly whispered, eyes narrowed

"Yeah..." I continue to look at the ground as I reluctantly responded. James was the only person who knew about my mothers abusive tendencies. Even now though I feel weak to the stomach, I still feel like shit when I tell him about it. I should be able to handle this on my own, but as soon as there is anything mummy related, I come running to James. He lets out a huff

"He was really going to let that abusive shit be that fucking close to you? I know he's your dad, but -" He pauses looking conflicted "I want to kill him." I laugh slightly at his serious look.

"Calm down, man," I say simply, not really knowing what else to say. I looked down to the grown to avoid his intense eyes, swallowing hard "Dad always thought that as soon as she laid off the drugs she'd be back to her loving, angelic self," I let out a deep breath "I don't believe she could change for even a second though..." James pulled me in to his arms but I continued to stare at the floor.

"You can stay with me for as long as you need," James rested his chin on my head. Goose bumps raid my skin, not expecting the hug. I feel safe for once..

"Thanks," I smile slightly. My mind wondered to Gabe. I still don't get it. He helped me after going awol about me giving him some water. Talk about being bipolar.

"So... wanna watch a movie?" I look at him with a smile

"Hell yeah," I reply


The sun pressed against the orange curtains of Jame's guest room. Sitting up, I rolled to the side cracking my back. Thank God it was Saturday, I don't think I'd be able to handle another day of school after this hectic week.

I walked down stairs, tying my hair in to a pony. I looked at the couch to see James still asleep from the movie marathon last night. I chuckled as he softly snored.

James hardly stirs as I kicked the lounge.
"James?" I whispered "Jamesss," I drag out again. I looked around and my eyes settled on an innocent marker sitting on the table. A devious smile begins to spread across my face as I pick up the lone marker.

A couple selfies with sleeping James later, I made my way to the local tattoo parlour. I smiled at Maddison as I walked in. Her pieced lip quirked up at me as she made her way over.

"What's doing girlie?" She laughs hugging me "you helping out today?"

"If you don't mind, got nothing better to do today," I sent her a cheeky smile

"You lil' rascal," she laughed pushing my head. I laughed at the 40 year old again. She was kind of like my replacement mum in a way. When James went through his tattoo phase, I used to hang out a lot here while he got tatted. I instantly loved Maddison as soon as I met her. Her curly black hair and tanned skin made her white toothed smile shine out. She was a blessing, truly.

"You got next one that comes in here, I'm gonna get some lunch, you want anything?" Maddison asked as she slipped on a jacket

"Nah, she'll be right Mads," I smiled at her as she walked out the door waving goodbye

There were only two other people in here, Dylan, another tattoo artist, and the customer he was tatting.

The bell jingled as a new customer walked in. I looked up and there he was, Luca... I swore under my breath as he walked towards me, attempting to look unbothered

"You working today?" He asks casually

"Yeah, you getting anything done?" I looked up to his towering figure from my seated position

"Just some touch ups," he replied

"Let's get to it then," I sent him a tight smile as I set up the tattoo equipment. He took off his shirt to reveal His heavily tatted body. I bit my lip slightly, checking out his hard muscles and tanned skin. I had to give it to him, he was pretty good looking.

"Like what you see?" He smirked slightly, flexing his muscles slightly. I rolled my eyes a small smile on face, this boy seems oddly cheery today

"It's times like these I wish I was blind," I quipped back, his smirk remained on his face as He turned around revealing his muscled back.

"Just need some touch ups on the wolf," I looked to the howling animal that took up half of his back. I noticed the how dull the colouring was and was already figuring out how to fix it. It made me smile slightly

"In bocca del lupo," I mumbled, remembering a quote my Nonno always used to say

"Crepi il lupo," I looked up at Luca, stunned as he mumbled those words, he was slightly facing me. I caught his eye and he quickly looked away. I shook my head and coughed slightly. "Let's get to it then," I clapped my hands together

I look over the wolf again, noticing more detail now that he has laid down. I began to start tattooing, even through the gloves a wore I could feel the heat of his body. He hardly reacted as I began to refill the tattoo. His muscles flexed and tensed under the needle as I continued.

"You seem awfully quiet today," Luca mumbled

"Yeah well, I'm kind of concentrating on something here," I replied "so maybe if you start being nice to me I won't accidentally sneeze and fuck up your cute little wolf here," I smile sweetly. He chuckles in response and the low buzzing of the tattoos fill the room again

"You feeling better today?" I pause slightly and look from the tattoo to him, I was not expecting him to check up on me

"Yeah, I mean, I'm still alive I guess," I reply simply. We stopped talking after that and I just continued to work on his tat, the buzzing of the tattoo gun the only thing stopping the silence.


After about 40 minuets of fixing up the tattoo of the wolf, Luca payed and left as Maddison walked back in.

"What a looker he's grown into," she stared at me with wide eyes adding a wink.

"Calm down you cougar," I rolled my eyes chuckling "what took you so long?"

"Bumped in to your dad actually," she replied. I hummed in response. "He was wondering where you were," she continued

"Did you tell him?" I asked

"If you wanted him to know, he would know kid." I nodded at her smiling again. God, she's good.

My phone began to ring in my hand, I looked at James contact before answering; a smile already slapped on my face.

"You little shit, are you serious? I looked in the mirror and almost went in to a fucking cardiac arrest!" I started to laugh uncontrollably as he continued "Why are there fucking dicks where they're not supposed to FUCKING BE!?" I wheezing at this point as he continued to go off his head.

"Like you have any anywhere else," I laugh out as he continues to throw a fit. Maddison shook her head, smiling.

"You're bad," she mouthed to me, I winked to her as I left the shop.

*In bocca del Lupo means In the mouth of the wolf, carpi il lupo or just carpi is let it die. It's an Italian saying that's similar to the English version of Goodluck or break a leg*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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