Episode 2

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The Lion and the Rose

Jaime Lannister: My brother tells me you keep your mouth shut. Unusual talent, for a sellsword.

Bronn: He tells me you shit gold, just like your father.

Jaime Lannister: Is this place safe?

Bronn: There's this knight, er, Laygood. Got thunderbolts on his shield? Right here is where I fuck his wife. She's a screamer, that one. If they don't hear her, they won't hear us. ... I've never seen Valyrian steel before. She's a beauty. Problem is, if you fight with an edged blade, I'll have to. And if I fight with an edged blade, I'll have no one left to pay me.

Jaime Lannister: I haven't used a sparring sword since I was nine. Bold warrior you are, attacking a man when his guard's down.

Bronn: Best time to attack a man. Mind yourself!

Jaime Lannister: If I still had my right hand...

Bronn: Plan on growin' it back?

Ramsay Snow: Father.

Roose Bolton: What did you do to him?

Ramsay Snow: I trained him. He was a slow learner, but he learned.

Roose Bolton: You flayed him.

Ramsay Snow: Peeled a few bits. Removed a few others.

Roose Bolton: This was Balon Greyjoy's son and heir.

Ramsay Snow: We've been flaying our enemies for a thousand years. The flayed man is on our banners.

Roose Bolton: My banners, not yours. You're not a Bolton, you're a Snow. Tywin Lannister has given me the North, but he won't lift a finger to help me take it. As long as the Ironborn hold Moat Cailin, our armies are trapped south of the Neck. Theon was a valuable hostage, not your plaything. I wanted to trade him for Moat Cailin.

Ramsay Snow: I already asked. Lord Greyjoy refused. Savages have...

Roose Bolton: You sent terms to Balon Greyjoy without my consent?

Ramsay Snow: You made me Acting Lord of Dreadfort. I acted.

Roose Bolton: I had to smuggle myself into my own lands thanks to the Greyjoys. I needed Theon. I needed him whole.

Ramsay Snow: Theon was our enemy. But Reek? Reek will never betray us.

Roose Bolton: I place far too much trust in you.

Ramsay Snow: Reek, how could you let me stand before my father unshaven? It's disrespectful.

Theon Greyjoy: Sorry, my lord.

Ramsay Snow: (to Locke) Give him the razor. (to Roose) I'm not a Bolton, father. What does it matter? Go on, Reek. A nice, close shave.

Oberyn Martell: Your Grace. Lord Tywin.

Tywin Lannister: Prince Oberyn.

Oberyn Martell: I don't believe you have met Ellaria. This is the Lord Hand Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannister the Queen Regent. I suppose it is former Queen Regent now. Lord Hand and Lady Cersei, Ellaria Sand.

Ellaria Sand: My lord. My lady.

Tywin Lannister: Charmed.

Cersei Lannister: Cant's say I've ever met a Sand before.

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